Date men and women from Canada / New Brunswick / Port Elgin, 60 year old

Date a man from New Brunswick, Canada. Body of Adonis...face like Brad Pitt...dances like Fred like Albert Einstein and rich like Bill Gates? If this describes your dream date ... are you ever on the wrong page. You will have to settle for 1 out of 5. I'm what is usually described as the strong silent type. I don't like crowds ...hate the bar scene. I'm usually very quiet until I get to know you ...then try to shut me up. I am straight forward and honest with everyone I meet and expect the same from others. I believe in treating a lady like a lady but can't stand the high maintenance, clingy types. Looking for a partner ...not a new boss ...not a servant...someone capable of standing beside me on her own two feet ...both emotionally and financially. Need someone to compliment my strenghts and accept my weaknesses ...and willing to do the same for you. Looking for someone who can see past the rough exterior to the good heart inside. I believe every relationship is a balance between growing together as a couple and still allowing space to grow as individuals. I have a good sense of humor and insist on having fun. Spare time is hard to come by so I like to make the most of free time when I have it. The only thing missing is someone to share with! Are you the one?
Taking a break ...gone fishin

Meet men and women from New Brunswick, Canada. I am a friendly, confident retired teacher looking for companionship. I have been retired from teaching for 7 years and have volunteered since that time, but seem to miss the companionship of a good friend to go out with and enjoy what life has to offer. I am grateful for being born into a loving family, and although my parents are now gone have extended family who I love and adore.