Date men and women from Canada / Saskatchewan / Outlook, 37 year old

Date a man from Outlook, Canada. I've lived and worked in the prairies all my life. From cow camps in southern Alberta, to the oilsands of Ft. Mac. Right now I still work in the oilfield for a company headquartered out of Boston, still farm and ranch with my parents, and still custom farm/ hay for another operator headquarted in the Outlook area, living a few months in the Outlook area and the rest of the time in the Kindersley/Kerrobert areas. I don't really plan on anything because, as you can see from my schedule, its kind of hard. Most things are usually spur-of-the-moment. Things that describe me and in whom I'm looking for are: common scence, humourous, not afraid to get dirty, not afraid of what I do for a living, not needy/clingy, caring, thoughtful, knowlegeable, loving, understanding, educated, trustworthy, non-judgemental.

Meet men and women from Outlook, Canada. sincere, caring, looking for friendship..., funny, outgoing, witty, makes small talk easily, good personality. Grateful for friends and family, pets, and children. Grateful for the safe country we live in and pray for those overseas and their families left at home