Date men from Canada / Saskatchewan / Prince Albert, 19 year old

Date someone special from Prince Albert, Canada. Speak my mind, dine my girl. . Money wise non materialistic. I install plumbing and heating. Loyal very honest... Almost to honest. :) I like to cuddle, also very good at giving back massages.. Oh yeah I'm a great cook and I love to cook.

Meet a guy from Prince Albert, Canada. I am very creative and like to try new things. I prefer getting out and doing stuff to sitting at home and wasting away. I am a very skilled driver on all forms of vehicles and like to take things to the max.

Date single boy from Prince Albert, Canada. Basically I'm a down to earth person, I live to work and when I'm not working I'm doing something, I cannot be sitting constantly. I can't explain myself entirely on this it wold be better to talk to a person face to face or in an instant messager.

Meet a soulmate from Prince Albert, Canada. I am an innovative gardener and I always grow mmy own trees shrubs flowers and food. Love to cook asian foods from many countries. i am also very interested in Earth saving. I save water, generate my own solar power and drive a hybrid car. My carbon footprint is roughly 500 pounds od CO2 per year. .

Date a boy from Prince Albert, Canada. I never know what to say in these describe yourself things. I think talking to a person is better then reading a profile description. I'll give it a go. I'm currently living in Prince Albert. I am working in Chetwynd BC. I'm on the road quite a bit. I am trying to get into pre employment for electrical. I hate living in the city. I'd like to build about 10 minutes out of a city. I am looking for a good looking girl who is shorter than me. I am into girls that are older than me. Id love someone who is laid back and knows what they want in there life. I will NOT date anyone that does drugs.