Date men and women from Canada / Alberta / Bonnyville, 27 year old

Date people from Alberta, Canada. Where to start? I'll try to get the common stuff out of the way first.I'm a relatively young guy looking for a a relationship where neither of us are afraid to afraid to speak our minds; I've had problems with that in the past and want to avoid situations where I feel guilty for being honest. I'm easygoing and willing to learn new things, and I do care deeply about my partner's pursuits and dreams. I'm proud of my education and accomplishments, and am working in a position that I greatly enjoy.
While my job takes up a fairly large amount of my time, I will ALWAYS make time for anyone special to me. I should be frank and say that sometimes, work gets in the way. I have a position with a lot of duties and it can be overwhelming. But I don't lose sight of what's important and if conflicts can be avoided, well, I avoid them - simple as that. When they can't be avoided, however, I accept that there are things that can't be changed. I also fully recognize and respect the same trend with my partner - life can suck sometimes, and you have to go with it. There have been times when I wish I wasn't so busy, and I know that previous girlfriends of mine have felt the same way. If you can't avoid something, don't worry about it - things happen.
I respect my partner's privacy, but also highly cherish my own privacy. I know that everyone holds certain things dear to their heart and prefer to keep these things to themselves; I fully respect and understand that as I do tend to keep my most personal matters to myself. Despite that, I am very open with 95% of my thoughts and feelings and highly cherish a partner who does the same. If I ever come across as a pain in the ass, I respect someone who's not afraid to tell me that. I don't like being antagonistic.
As far as wrapping things up goes, I try to be as open as possible and I hope for as much in a partner. I hate needless conflict and when problems arise, I always aim for rational, respectful discussions. I've done the whole "going crazy over minor arguments" thing with past girlfriends (as have they with I), and I know that I never want to be that way again. I've learned my lessons about life; it's important to be yourself. Compromises are present in every relationship, but they should change your core dreams and values. I don't want to change mine and I don't want to force anyone to change theirs.
As for other personal quirks, I GREATLY like humour of all sorts. I make bad jokes more often than I'd like to, and I enjoy finding the lighter side of situations. While I do enjoy the occasional "high-minded" bit of comedy, I (usually more likely) enjoy any type of humour.
To finish things, off, I'm looking for a relationship in which both of us are open, honest, and accepting of each other. As for where things go, well that remains to be seen. I want us both to always be happy, and I want us to be complementary to each others; lives. I want to know what's most important to you.

Meet someone special from Alberta, Canada. I get my son now my days off most time n just looking for some one to hang out with n maybe end up with for life. My son in my world so u get two for one lol I don't know really what to write so if u got any question just ask