Date women from Canada / Alberta / Canmore, 52 year old

Date a woman from Canada. I have met some wonderful people on here...I wish you all the best in your search for that one true love. May your journey be beautiful and may you find what you are looking for.
I would have once said I was an adventurer taking on the world by sailing thru a hurricane when I didnt know how to sail, cleaning the bottom of boats while in the ocean when I didnt know how to swim, and being a ski guide in the mountains when I was just learning how to ski I think that it was just being young, realizing the world was at my fingertips and that I could do anything I put my mind to. Years later I realize that wisdom comes in such simple forms when we are young but we dont think of it as wisdom...just simply as living life and enjoying it to the fullest (oh and apparently we think we are invincible when we are young...that works too).
I find humour in so many things, and generally life doesnt upset me but reminds me that we are all just souls on this human journey and we should enjoy it and help others to see the beauty in it.I believe that the world has so much opportunity to love and be kind and laugh and I love that . I care about the people who touch upon my life. My friends say that I am imaginative, spontaneous, uncomplicated (most of the time) and warm-hearted.
I love travelling and meeting new people . I hope that in some way I have helped others in this lifetime and I always will take the time to sit down and listen to someone's stories.
I love the ocean, mountains, forests, deserts, animals, children and hanging out with friends, laughing and sharing stories.
A perfect day for me is waking up to sunshine and the man I love, rolling over and kissing him or being kissed by him. snuggling. preparing breakfast together and going out for a bike ride or a walk on a beach or up a mtn... laying back and watching the clouds go by and just talking, about anything. going back into the town we live in and running into people we know and chatting, really taking the time to talk, and holding hands and sharing smiles. Then either dinner in some wonderful romantic spot or home with candles and great food (i am sorry to say i am not a great cook, so this would be where the chinese food comes in boxes or if my wonderful guy loves to cook then i will make dessert...i am good at dessert....)....then relaxing in front of a fireplace enjoying good music and each other...sighhhh.
I am happy on my own with my children and friends but wonder if there is that man out there who I could love and share a lifetime with, travelling, laughing and somedays just walking on the beach holding hands...a man who is happy and content within himself, and with his friends and mine,sharing a smile across the room whether it is just the two of us or a crowd, and feels peace in his heart as I do when we know we are in love. If this sounds like you how lovely it would be to finally meet you.