Date men and women from Canada / British Columbia / Mission, 41 year old

Date a soulmate from British Columbia, Canada. i am greatful for life, life and humour makes me smile, im proud of my trade, im hoping to attract someone honest and loving, my social life is active, jokes make me laugh, im looking for friendship and more, and im pasionate about my job and being the best person i can be

Meet men and women from British Columbia, Canada. So I'm totally new to the online dating thing and I find it a bit difficult to write about myself, but here it goes.
I am a very active person. I work full-time as a Maternity nurse, I have 2 kids that live with me part-time, I own my own house and I workout frequently. I love my family and like my job a lot, but I also like to have fun. I am self-sufficient and enjoy fixing things around my house, whether it's changing a light fixture or installing a new toilet, I like to do it all. I mow my own lawn, clean my own house, and I wash my vehicle in the driveway with a bucket and hose. I have no tattoos, no piercings(except my ears) no fake body parts or implants, what you see is what you get. I don't mince my words, if I don't feel a connection, I will tell you, I don't want to waste my time or yours.
I'm looking for a man who is confident, active, and does not feel threatened by a confident partner. I like someone who won't always cave or agree with me, you have to have a little spirit, but not mean. I am not looking for a man who is jealous or insecure, or who needs me to be at his side at all times. You must be financially secure, I have kids and a mortgage, I don't need another dependant.
If this all sounds reasonable to you and you think we would be a good fit, send me an email.