Date women from Canada / Manitoba / Brandon, 33 year old

Date a soulmate from Manitoba, Canada. I am an energetic and outgoing person who gets along with most everyone. I am always laughing and smiling.. why?? Cause i'm a happy person and life is way too short not to..haha hehe....I hang out with 2 couples whose kids hang out with mine, my family is huge( but we totally rock when its get together time) lol..... i love wide open spaces ,country living, dancing, animals( well many things actually) lol..i'm a slow typer so just ask me... My buddies tell me i'm very easy to talk to.. and it really helps that i'm not SHY.. :)
I'm looking for a fantastic man who loves children for one, cause i have 4. (5-13 yrs) ha they would have to love the outdoors, country living, family, be able to adapt to change and go with the flow... someone who knows what they want, is loving( cause i totally am, kiss me hug me snuggle me up!!) loyal..( cause i don't share well with others, haha ) giving....(its who i am also. will do anything for you or others), I'm a giver so that usually leaves me getting hurt ---).I wear my heart on my sleave.!!..THats not such a bad thing either, lol come on... Someone who wants to be my friend, lover, partner... always....I'll have your back if you have mine..

Meet someone special from Manitoba, Canada. My best friend would describe me as a trustworthy person (: I`m very fun, loving, active, outgoing and alot more (: Well, my ideal guy would be a down to earth guy, very loving and romantic, likes kids.I also like that fun side in a guy too! I like a guy who doesn't sit around and play video games ALL THE TIME, I like ta guy that`s handy! My social life insists of going out to the bar and having a good time or go to a friends and have a drink.