Date men from Canada / New Brunswick / Caraquet

Date a soulmate from Caraquet, Canada. New to this so I wont be laying it all down right now, but I though what the hell, let's see what's out there!
So, what kind of person am I.. well.. you work to live and not the other way around. Life is full of surprises and you need to stop once and a while and smell the roses (is that a corny line? lol)
I love discovery... whether it be people, countries, cultures, places, etc. I guess you could call me a bit of a world traveller
A little bit of a dreamer sometimes and I've learned to appreciate that as too many people are narrowminded.. so believe in yourself and just do it!
I like to cook for friends and family because it's a great way to get to know people, spend time together, and I like the feeling when I see appreciation in others.
I also like to be outdoors, whether it be around a camp fire out in the backyard or hiking, on a beach, exploring a new city, walking in a market, whatever but as long as it's outside.
Enjoy sports and value an active living lifestyle.
Almost forgot... I am a bit of an amateur photographer and catching that moment, that emotion, or taking a photograph that makes most of us feel great emotions is what drives me to get out there and shoot!
I'm open to meeting new people and it doesn't necessarily need to be for a romantic purpose.. although meeting a nice woman that I click with would be awesome!
As for the passionate part of me.. I think I'm passionate about life, about the good in humanity, about strong and powerfull moments in life, personal exploits... I'm passionate about my family and my dog (love my pup!).
Well.. I think you get the idea of what kind of guy I am.. what about you?

Meet a man from Caraquet, Canada. I'm a guy that enjoy life. I would like to find the perfect partner for me for a serious relationship. I'am a romantic and passionate person. I'am so grateful for all the possibilities and experiences that life gives us. Have a super Day!

Date a man from Caraquet, Canada. i do not think i will try and use punch lines as most likely they all have been taken and heard so this would be a loss time.
Frienship i believe is of the most important when you meet someone and that is exactly what i am seeking. Men and women are so inherently different that i cannot jump into a relationship like you open up a can of pop. You see my point is this, when you see someone and you and a lighting bolt hits you, the feelings are at peak levels, however sometimes those feelings cannot go any higher and profit the relationship at in a long basis.
Therefore, i little to begin and lots left as you carry along. this is my modo.
I have not had too my flings in my life, in fact none to tell be honest and this is what women want i belive honesty. i have had a few solid relationship from which i have learned so much out of it. This has benifit me for future partners and it definitely can benifit the partner. I have taken upon myself to learn as much i can possibly can from women over the years. People who knows me locally especially women say i ask so many questions about them and their ways that they wonder who i am sometimes.
All this is to understand women and further this has profited me somehow over the years. Talking and i mean talking to a female on her level, is not an easy task for a man, any man. I am learning to do this and i am very close from reaching my goal.
i am a good listener, i believe i know how to treat a lady the right way. I also need respect from the partner and i will give same. Respect is the base of the foundation and if you reach that level of respect, all the other parts of the puzzle will fall into place.
One thing before i quit here, is i hate mind games that some women plays with men. I cannot handle that as it is not respectfull.
I tried my best to describe to you who i am. I am not trying to sell myself to anyone as i do not have to. I am only trying to find friendship first on this site. And the rest who knows. I cannot force anyone to like me or hate me. The choice is up to the one who reads this profile of mine.

Meet someone special from Caraquet, Canada. simple man with simple ideas to keep it simple as life is to short to complicate things. What describes me if that i would like to live in the past as todays societey is so off beat and crazy that it is scary. I am very passionate about astronomy and what it all relates to us.

Date a man from Canada. I love silence, tranquility and hate loud people. I'm looking for a long term relationship.
I would like to find a person that will be a friend and a lover 24 hours a day.
I love quiet places, i play music and i'm good at it. I'm also quiet good at technology.
I'm hoping to attract a person that is not fighting personality problems and that is fully independant and reliable. I cannot live with people that are talking about their problems all the time so if you are like that please stay away and find help.

Meet single man from New Brunswick, Canada. I am a widower who wants to give new sense to his life with someone he can trust and share the beautiful things in life with. I am interested in a serious relationship based on confidence and respect for each other. Everything else will develop by itself.