Date men from Canada / Nova Scotia / Antigonish, 59 year old

Date a soulmate from Antigonish, Canada. looking for a fun lady i enjoy nude resorts ienjoy a strong women who knows what she wants and will not settlle for less,should enjoy nudity and be hoti work away from home a great deal mostly in the maritimes

Meet a man from Antigonish, Canada. my closeet friends describe me as a big teddy bearlife makes me smile, i am passionate about by interior restorations i really enjoy my grand childrenthey can teach you alot,they now talk about joining me in my busness

Date someone special from Antigonish, Canada. family and friends are important to me enjoy relaxing and watching tv or dining and dancing easy to get along with also like traveling favorite spots down south jamaica cuba mexico also like kitchen parties and scoializing . also enjoy cooking .gardening,hunting etc trying to change 18..35 to 51 57.age but having problems ..sorry..