Date women from Canada / Nova Scotia / Bedford, 34 year old

Date someone special from Bedford, Canada. I'm looking for someone who wants to laugh and enjoy fun times together. I would like to meet someone that I can be just me around, feel comfortable, relaxed and just enjoy the moment.
I'm a busy single Mom who loves to take care of my kids and have fun with family and friends. I like to do a little bit of everything like having a few beers at a local pub or just sitting home and playing a card game or watching a good movie. My favorite place to be is the beach and I love to just listen to the surf and have sand between my toes. I dream of traveling and enjoying new places.
A perfect date would be a walk on the beach or a night wine tasting.

Meet a soulmate from Bedford, Canada. Hello. A little about myself. I am a retired competitive gymnast who has taken up Tae Kwon Do and I am loving it. I just bought my first house and have been doing alot of changes to it! Really exciting! I'm shy but tend to warm up after awhile. I have a pretty sarcastic sense of humour. I'm a consistent being, mellow/laid back, independent (almost to a fault), honest, stubborn, funny, smart as a whip ;) and respect is very important to me. I am looking for a great guy who is active, intelligent, genuine, respectful, down to earth, funny, artsy, etc. It sounds like a lot but I'm sure they're out there. I will say a man in baggy cargos and birkenstocks, or chuck taylor converse, will always catch my eye.