Date men and women from Canada / Nova Scotia / Caledonia, 43 year old

Date people from Nova Scotia, Canada. I have a very happy, successful and busy life, but there is room to share. I have a young son who I enjoy spending time with (he's not here full time) I am enjoying a successful career. I enjoy music, but would rather be playing than listening. Not into dance clubs, but will catch a game or a fight at the pub anytime! Promise to never go see a movie like Footloose- I'd rather see Captain America. I enjoyed Pride and Prejudice AND Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! (I was a geek before it was cool). And just when I started to sound completely nerdy, I have never met a shoe store I didn't like. I am close to my family and really enjoy the town I live in (so no I won't respond if you live too far away)