Date women from Canada / Nova Scotia / Halifax, 49 year old

Date someone special from Halifax, Canada. It has been said...that I am energetic and full of fun. Truthful, caring, intelligent and down to earth, love humour and respect/honesty...and food! I am comfortable in almost any situation.
I am told that I light up a room with my smile and energy and seem much younger than my actual years.
I love family and friends and people who want to see the good things in life and people
What I like in a person is respect, humour, intelligence, caring for yourself and others. Someone who is financially secure, is fit, loves life and trying new things, and who has a positive outlook.
If you are emailing me /winking/ whatever, and do not have a picture iin your profile, please include one in your email. It would make for a more productive, positive exchange to have pics up front. Generally, I don't chose to take the time to read or reply once I see there are no pics included.
It's all about honesty, up-frontedness and no games for me.
About one more week on this 3 month trial..and that'll be all folks :)

Meet a soulmate from Halifax, Canada. I enjoy hugs. Holding hands when we walk, laughing, exploring the rest of our lives as we share experiences, the good and the bad. I would be a partner that will not judge you or your past.
I am grateful for every minute, life is to short to be alone, with no one to share it with. I have a wicked sense of humor, but looking for someone dependable, honest, and doesn't mind sharing the housework. Hugs, and good luck.

Date a woman from Halifax, Canada. I am kind and caring being a virgo describes me honestly.I am looking for someone outgoing No need to be anything more than who you really are in a genuine way.Can you make me laugh? I love laughter and such.Perhaps we can share poetry together,friendship and compassion,communication.Lets exspress our talents together.

Meet someone special from Nova Scotia, Canada. I am a honest,kind,and sincere person. Open to exploring new adventures. Enjoy outdoors and socializing with friends. I like most sports, enjoy walks and nature hikes. I am a very grateful person. I look for the good in a person or situation. I want to spend quality time with someone that is interested in me. I will take a beer over champagne any time. I am a country girl at heart but still likes to dress up and look good. I am on a new journey of life. Hoping to fill my journey with a special man with mutual respect and admiration.

Date a soulmate from Nova Scotia, Canada. I am tall, good looking [or so I'm told], friendly and athletic. Life is not boring. I love to cook, photography, reading, going out, dinner parties, movie watching, like art, archaeology, architecture, listening to music (Norah Jones, Lhasa de Sela, Adele, Billie Holiday, Springsteen Elvis Costello, U2, Fiest, YoYo Ma ...list is long) and trying new things. I like adventure. I take care of myself by going to the gym and many say I look much younger then I am. The best is having a few people over for good company and story telling. And I have a few of my own. Dresses in the summer, jeans on the weekends. I love design fashion and people watching. NYC and Paris are the best for this. Once upon a time I was a competitive athlete so I've always been fit. I am a loyal friend and will be there in a heartbeat if I am needed. I travel for work and pleasure often and would love to have some company on some of these exploring adventures. I have amazing three teenage children and have been single for a few years now. I am an entrepreneur and have had my own successful business for more than 10 years which I love. I come to life with physical affection and attention, I'm tactile and love the human touch. I am passionate and love a rich life around me. I see the world in technicolour as in full of possibilities.
I am looking for a guy that is fun and funny, social, kind, romantic (love the flowers, perfume and spontaneity), passionate, chivalrous, confident, sexy, positive, likes to travel, authentic, talkative, non-smoker. Make me laugh and and feel beautiful. I'll do the same. I'm there. Chemistry has to be right and we must meet to know that. I am a romantic and see life as a multilayered playground.
An emotionally nutritious relationship is what I am looking for.

Meet a woman from Nova Scotia, Canada. I'm hoping to find someone who is real. I'm looking for a like minded individual who likes to travel, get outdoors and enjoy all it has to offer. Loves a good cup of coffee and interesting conversation. Sharing good food whether dining out or prepared at home. Someone who is not too serious about life or themselves. Hiking is one of my favorite activities and I try to get out every weekend to do just that. Socializing is also an awesome way to spend some of my free time. Not looking to rush into anything but you never know if the right person comes along!

Date someone special from Canada. I would describe myself as a very down to earth lady who loves life, but would like to find that special guy to share it with.
That special guy will make my heart skip a beat by just his smile.
Someone who is honest, sincere and knows what he wants out of life.

Meet a soulmate from Canada. Endearing, charming, capitulating, divine, Compassionate,
Revolutionary, no patience for liars, thieves, narcissism and greed
at times hopeful and at times unbearably sad,
Goodness is the only investment that never fails;Thoreau
The oldest injustice in the world is the way we view, treat and oppress women
singer songwriter( throw a stone and you will hit one)

Date a woman from Canada. I'm not ready to do this yet. I need to spend some time browsing before I give this a go but I am forced to write something. I don't want to waste anyone's time by being out there without being sincere about giving it a proper go. Good luck out there, guys.

. Self made woman looking for a lifetime partner. Never married and no children. Honest, loyal and likes to laugh. Takes life seriously but no overly so. Likes to see and learn new things. A risk taker within limits. Loves to try new food out while dining and in my kitchen. Eats healthy and has a positive attitude.

. Thoughtful and easy going kind of gal who enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling and shopping when the mood hits me. I enjoy spending time with people who know how to have fun, enjoys life and who can share a good laugh (makes me laugh). I'm attracted to men who are honest and trustworthy. I don't want to hear any man tell me anything that he doesn't believe or that doesn't comes from the heart. If you don't mean it, don't say it just because it's something you think I want to hear.

. I am pretty basic. Enjoy my own company but would like to have someone to hang out with. Wether it be cooking at home, sitting by the campfire in the backyard with friends, dining out, camping, traveling, going to the gym, just sitting and talking, what ever. As long as we were having fun and a good time. No pressure and no stress. That is what life should be all about.
What do you think? Want to take a chance?

. friendly, honest, caring, loving,thoughtful, dedicated, willing for commitment, go with friends sometimes, god-fearing one, generous in a right way, helpful, not jealous type, trustworthy, not lazy,
willing to travel sometime if there' a budget, a family oriented person, flexible

. I am the type of woman that always look for the positive in all people. What makes me smile is the simp;e things in life, I also dont think that money is all the be end and all part of life, i know we all need to have money to live, but it is really not the most important thing, although i would like to meet someone who does have a job, then we can share the ups and downs at all times. I am very independant woman and i woudl like to meet soemone who has the same goals in life and have no Secrets
I have no tolerance for lying, because lies can defiinitly ruin a good reationship

. Hi there, I am looking for a friendship with a male that is fun and likes to enjoy life . I love walking and enjoy almost all sports my favorite is football and would like to see a NFL game one day . The man I am interested in has to love children for I have a one year old grandson which is the love of my life .