Date men from Canada / Nova Scotia / Trenton, 29 year old

Date single boy from Trenton, Canada. II'm single dad with 2 young boys, who are the best thing that have ever happened to me. I know maybe to most girls that a guy with kids isn't most attractive quality, but that's their loss!. I'm a very honest, caring guy that has great family values and is responsible. I'm a very independent person, I live on my own and have a great job. On my free time I like to spend time with friends, play/watch sports, listen to music, movies, cooking , and just relax on the couch. Not sure what else tell you about myself, but if you interested send me a message!.
I'm looking for a girl that is smart, funny, fun and has family values. Family is a huge part of my life and I want someone that feels the same way. . Honesty is a huge quality I'm looking for in someone. I have been lied to in the past and all I ask is for someone to be upfront with me and don't feel you can't talk to me about anything. The last quality I look for is someone who is affectionate. I'm a very affectionate guy, and I like to show girl how I feel. I was raised that you can tell someone how you feel, but showing them really lets them know that they're special.

Meet a guy from Trenton, Canada. What can i say about me i am a pretty easy going laid back guy. but i dont consider myself boring, i dont go to bars very often but i still enjoy a night out or friends over for games and drinks.
i prefer to be outside most of the time, going to the beach, doing yard work, hiking, fishing, or just relaxing on a deck.
my house is bit a construction site always have renos on the go. one day it will be done and i wont know what to do.
i enjoy sports, hockey and football mostly. i like go for runs or go to the gym when i have free time.
feel free to message me if you would like to know more about me:)

Date a soulmate from Trenton, Canada. I'm a nice sweet guy once you get too know me I love being able too put a smile on someone;) I'd like too meet someone that loves kids cause I do have 2 and my kids ALWAYS come First Sorry... my name is Jamie Begg check me out