Date men from Canada / Nova Scotia / Truro, 53 year old

Date someone special from Nova Scotia, Canada. Love outdoor activities. Drive a goldwing and mustang but more of a truck personality. Very easy going. Lots of patience. Helpless romantic, walks, cooking dinner, hold doors open... I teach grade nine, write novels, drive a motorcycle, play sports when I get the chance. Skydive ocassionally. Fishing, canoeing, camping (not at a campsite). Family is very important. Love watching my kids play hockey or playing with them. Do not frequent bars but okay once in a while. Like to try something new ever year. Desiderata and The Road Not Taken are my favorite poems.
I'm not into head games. I want an honest, down to earth woman that's not afraid to get her hands dirty. I live my life according to the above poems so it's best to always have a pair of old jeans and boots in the trunk of the car. Love early morning drives. I often walk off of the beaten trail. I need someone who can keep up.
I'm fairly active and very handy in the garage or the kitchen. Love to cook but I'd rather a partner to cook with, but warning I'm creative and seldom follow a recipe.
Fav evening is cuddling on the coach with a glass of wine or beer watching a game, movie or other. If I'm cuddling what's on tv doesn't really matter. I don't have cable because there is nothing worthwhile on. Like to play cards, crib, dominos, etc. If you're hooked on tv, well enjoy it without me. But i do like movies: action, drama, whatever. Not much into stupid comedies.
I'm a romantic so you will just have to put up with fresh flowers on the table (usually picked on the side of the road) and candles at supper and rose petals in the bath with candles and being served wine.If you can't handle that then you'll have to look elsewhere :)
I wear my heart on my sleeve which is fairly vunerable spot to have it and it's been scarred a couple of times and stabbed big time once but it's still there hoping the next woman will treat it properly and hold it tenderly in her hands forever.I'm not looking for a long term at this point but when I am ready I want someone whom I can make the center of my world and who would make me hers. I try and live life to the fullest. On the other hand if you want to get to know each other thru a bike ride and picnic let me know. No need to rush things.
I have been filling and emptying my 'bucket list' for the last 15 years. I'm in fairly good shape so my bucket is still pretty full of ideas.Right now i'm trying to finish my fifth novel.Maybe the woman of my dreams will be around to help me finish it or inspire #6. If I see a cliff or a nice tree I have to climb it. I was a gymnast and some of it is still there:) tho my body argues the point!
I'm looking for someone who is athletic/thin and can keep up on a hike and likes to 'do stuff' but doesn't mind 'wasting' a day around the house doing nothing once in a while as well. I also want someone whose eyes sparkle when they look at me and cause mine to sparkle back.
I eventually want to live in the country with ten acres or so on a river.Need pasture as I will want to have a couple of horses and other animals.I want another draft and a cart so 'we' can go on romantic rides together. Love to work in the barn as much as the kitchen.
I also want to take a scuba course this summer and make some trips on my bike.Possibly get back into skydiving at least a few times.City girl or country girl if you're interested in any of those things it would be nice to have someone to do them with.
Someone who Is comfy in jeans plaid or a knock out in a black dress.I can grab her to dance in the middle of cooking.Turns the radio loud 4 her fav song.Puts her feet on the dash. Likes adventure or lazing around just as much.Will love unconditionally as I will. Too many people want that perfect someone. One mistake and they're gone. Is an adventurous woman out there that just might like to go for a ride, or picnic? Day trip?

Meet a man from Nova Scotia, Canada. Looking for a friend for now. Tried looking for a partner but that's too difficult. Want someone to share times with then we'll see. Have a motorcycle and like to go on adventures (goldwing not harley material).Summer off. if would like to go for a drive or picnic let me know. More later.