Date men from Canada / Nova Scotia / Windsor, 40 year old

Date single man from Windsor, Canada. I'm a athletic type with a great job, fantasic kids and great personality. I have had many successes in life from sports to school. I'm very dedicated and a real go getter. I love spending time with my children, working out and fishing. I'm lookin to meet someone to spend time with and get to know. I have a great friend base and there is always something going on, hopefully you have a zest for life and are looking for that something more person.

Meet a man from Windsor, Canada. well iam pretty simply but have great vices, love to cook flavourful meals, love music, listening and chilling either riding my bike or pool side. love to watch classic movies. Love to experiment in the kitchen and share a bottle of wime with someone and thenmake passionate sex with her, love to share rique emails all day with the person i am with then race home to see her and have a great night with her, badly looking for the fun in love..

Date a soulmate from Windsor, Canada. likes sports, likes to cook. has a job. has a good head on there shoulder. clean. social drinker. doesn't go to the bars too much. has the same interests that i have or looking for. likes a good movie, comedy, adventure. likes to go to ball games.

Meet someone special from Windsor, Canada. Let's say I'm looking for a friend!!!! And if you are looking for the same give me an e-mail. Will keep quiet for sure. This signing in is taking all my battery life and my thumbs are getting sore and to add it asks a lot of questions, ouch lol!

Date single man from Nova Scotia, Canada. I can be considered a hopeless romantic. I will always treat you like you deserve to be treated. I am NOT looking for a quick one night stand. I will open doors for you. I will always be honest and open minded.
But, as always, there is a cost for this. I expect the same in return.

Meet a man from Nova Scotia, Canada. Well, what more can I say. I'm a simple guy who is looking for somebody that can truly amaze me. I am looking for someone who has an incredible mind, a great heart, is laid back, easy going, and is very understanding. I want a woman who takes care of herself and has interests and hobbies that are outside our relationship. Some of which we can sometimes share and others that we can enjoy each other's time apart.

Date a soulmate from Nova Scotia, Canada. I am a caring, considerate, family oriented individual, who loves the outdoors and spending time with people who I care about. I like to experience new and different things and have an adventurist side. Looking for someone who enjoys the finer things in life - sharing time and laughs together.

Meet someone special from Nova Scotia, Canada. I am a very easy going person,usually always wearing a Happy Smile or Smerk? I have no problems just sitting around and enjoying the company I am with.I do enjoy to just get up and go sometimes(time permitting) and explore new places. I am busy and it is hard to find someone who understands,so that is why I am trying this.
I believe you have to meet someone and get to know them ,it takes time.( Coffee,Laughs,drinks and apps.Laughs,dinners,social events and watching sporting events (UFC also) and more Laughs...
I know more can be written, but in time I will add as I get time.
Well it is a new year and now I am finding more time to get to know that Special Sporty/active person.Is it you?

Date single man from Canada. I work hard during the week, so that I can play even harder on my days off. Unfortunately those days are few and far between. I enjoy the usual things, hanging out with family and friends. watching a game on TV or going to the game itself, mostly baseball, hockey, and NASCAR. Not so much football or basketball. I enjoy dining out, but can cook a fairly decent meal on occasion; I've been told my lasagna rocks. I like a good comedy, but am not afraid to see a romantic drama. James Bond movies are an addiction to me though I do have to admit. I have the entire collection, along with all the Police Academy movies as well. My favorite movie of all is "Doc Hollywood" with Michael J. Fox. I'm looking for someone thats down to earth, not afraid to talk about their day good and bad. Must love children, like the outdoors, going on walks that may last for more than 20 minutes, just to get out of the house type of walks.

Meet a man from Canada. Sexy and smart looking for the right women who loves adventures . I like to bike and go for quiet walks by the lake. I enjoy restaurants and watching funny movies. I like girls to be themselves and just have fun,

Date a soulmate from Canada. What makes me smile are my family and friends. I'm grateful for is my health and good living life style. I would describe my social life as out going and adventurous. I laugh at most things, like comedy movies, funny topics, just mostly anything I find funny. I'm looking for a funny, interesting relationship... Anything that'll keep me interested.

Meet someone special from Canada. looking to just live life carefree and no drama with a beautiful lady that finds me the same. I know how to treat a lady so let me show you. Life is easy with the right pereson, want that feeling when she walks in the room my heart skips a beat.

. I am a SWM who is comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt for an evening in watching TV or movies, or dressed up for a night on the town. I am seeking a SWF, non-smoker, with no dependents (sorry, there are some things I would like to experience for the first time with a partner)... Not sure that 2000 characters is enough (or it may be too many) to describe the person who I'd like to date... It may take a lot of words or be as simple as our eyes meeting...

. I hate this part! Anyways I guess I am a hard working, self motivated individual with an outgoing personality. I enjoy spending time with friends and family and love to laugh. Try not to get stressed about the little things but who doesn't sometimes. Life is short and I just want to enjoy the rest of it with as little stress as possible. I like to think that I have a pretty good head on my shoulders with a strong sense of values and morals. I take pride in myself as I believe everyone should. Anyways, thank god this part of the test is over.

. There is no such thing as an ideal match. There are only people that you tolerate more than others. Jaded? Yes I know. Nonetheless, I am optomistic that I will be proven wrong.
I am gentle and accomodating. I am looking for someone similar. I like honesty and new things. I particularly want to find someone who is willing to explore and experience the world. It is such a marvelous place and there are so many things to see, smell,taste that there really is no reason not to try and embrace it all.
Respect is an absolute must. I am not an Alpha male. Nor do I ever want to be one. I will honest and caring but not a wuss. I am also a Finn