Date women from Canada / Quebec / Ayer's Cliff, 47 year old

Date someone special from Ayer's Cliff, Canada. I'm hoping to meet a guy who will be a PLUS in my life. (Guess everyone says that!) For the most part I'm really happy with how my life has turned out. I've been working same place for 20 years, which means I can tell off my boss and he still respects me! and...I still find it a challenge, which takes away the bordom. My son's 25, grown and out of the house - but visits regularly to raid my fridge! My cat gives me cuddles (which isn't enough!). My friends, family and neighbors - (we help each other out mutually) they're all rooting that I find someone whose significant, and they say it as well as I do that I DO NOT LOOK MY AGE (just lucky to have good genetics). Young at heart, I like to laugh, learn new things (bookworm), and take care of my body...and soul!
- contact me for more info. It might be worth the effort!
Seeing as I'm feeling lonely - I'd like to chat and meet some new friends.
Sorry I'm not a member yet and can't read my emails or chat.
PS: Thanks for the attention. I'll get back to you soon.
PPS: Poue me rejoindre aller ou le soleil est chaud en ajoutant le chiffe soixante cinq a mon nom.
To all the canadians, reminder that I speak french too.