Date women from Canada / Quebec / Beaconsfield, 53 year old

Date someone special from Beaconsfield, Canada. Hi, Just a lovely caring honest person who likes to help others and is kind and good natured. Loyal and true. Who loves equally to have fun and laugh together or just snuggle and hold hands. And we'll be there for each other..Seeking same...

Meet a woman from Beaconsfield, Canada. The Now:
I am happy and fulfilled, confident and thriving. Wonderful family, fantastic career, always moving forward.
The possibilities are endless.
The Near Future:
I look forward to sharing my life with someone special and learning all about him and his life.
I am excited at the prospect of travelling the world together and exploring new places.
Together we share and create our dreams for the future.
I can't wait to meet you!

Date a soulmate from Beaconsfield, Canada. I am an entrepreneur, living in Costa Rica where I have my own business, made the bold move last fall and loving every moment.
I have tremendous vitality that likes to see things through no matter how challenging. I am in a rush to see accomplishments, also have the patience to allow them to unfold. I am a paradox in some situations. It's the universe that ultimately decides. I am devoted to pursuing a deeper meaning and a more divine expression in my life and allowing myself to explore the best of all possibilities for myself. Now for the much less serious stuff. I am quirky, slightly clumsy, however it can be endearing for those with the aptitude to detect it. A sense of humour that manifests as rather dry wit, a healthy sense of individuality, a whole lot of class and style are part of the picture. Love to try new things and not afraid of failure. I have a curious mind, a mysterious side but not impenetrable. I offer unequivocal passion, sensuality, a zest for life and much more. Have little tolerance for laziness and dishonesty.
WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR: A man that knows who he is and not who he thinks he is, understands the word compromise, not self-centered, is self assured yet not arrogant, successful but not materialistic, in control but not controlling, non-judgmental, sincere, genuine. A free individual, self-reliance, integrity, rationality, productive effort. Yes. It's a tall order.
WHAT I LOVE: the beach, sunsets, surfing, hiking, camping, travel, dining, comedy, reading, spirituality, yoga, pilates, NLP.
PS. I am a former Montreal gal that has relocated, the world is a small place and I believe distance can be overcome. I dared to live my dream and make it a reality Do you dare to dream with me?

Meet someone special from Canada. At this time of my life I am looking for someone to go out to dinner, dancing and activities in the nature. I find myself just recently back on the dating/companion scene. I have not had a friend who is a man in a long time and I would like to experience that once again. I am still very devoted and occupied with my children and my job for a non-profit, I am altruistic in nature and want a companion with similar values.
A first outting could be coffee and a walk along a waterfront, I love being near water.

Date a woman from Canada. Looking for a solid, interesting, confident man to compliment a strong, sensitive, dynamic woman. If you have a sparkle in your eye and have a great sense of humour - that is definately a plus! If this could be you please let me know.