Date women from Canada / Quebec / Cantley, 32 year old

Date a soulmate from Quebec, Canada. I am secure & happy with myself, but...Life is meant for 2!!
I am self-sufficient, honest, I have a great sense of humor, & family & friends are very important to me. I have a down-to-earth attitude, good values, and personality. I'm considered a very generous person in all aspects of my life especially in friendship, family and love. I'm looking for a man who shares my views on love, family and friends and is ready for all of it to begin with me.
Ma premi?re langue est le fran?ais.
It would be nice if you have a head with eyes and a mouth and ears attached to it. Throw in humour and the ability to change my tire - well not mine; the car's - and you're halfway there already...
Someone normal; respectful, stable, transparent and consistent in thinking and behavior. Someone who has a curiosity about the world and a joyful passion for life, one who shows humour and integrity.
A man who ONLY has eyes for me & can make me laugh are important qualities!
Somewhere out there is a great guy who will not only want to introduce me to new things, but will also like to try some adventures that are new to both of us. He will not only put up with my wacky moods, but he may even think they are cute, (even if he won't admit it.) The man I would like to meet is confident and self assured, but isn't with an over-inflated ego.
Are you a man who is filled with surprises? When you hold me in your arms, are you the type of man that will make me feel safe and warm?
I am looking for the man that I can get lost in conversation with just as easily as we can share one of those moments of comfortable silence in each others arms.
I want to share both our passions, some of mine, some of yours, some new ones we find together.
Be yourself... I dont want to get to know you twice.
I'm looking for someone that knows what he wants and that is not afraid to go get it. I'm seriously not looking for anything complicated, so if you have commitment issues or just looking for something casual.. I'm sorry but you are not for me.
Quotes and sayings that I like:
Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.
Your life lies before you like a path of driven snow, be careful how you tread it cause every step will show.
Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are nor mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessing given to us to learn from.
Love waits for one thing, the right moment.
Women are made to be loved, not understood.
In order to be someone, you must first be yourself.
Don't wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain.
A road less travelled is a journey that remains to be seen.
Have you made it all the way to the end of my profile? Then what are you waiting for? Drop me a line and let's plan our next adventure.