Date men from Canada / Quebec / Gatineau, 56 year old

Date a man from Canada. I enjoy traveling, visited carabean islands, Cuba, Venezuela, dominican republic, thailand. Would like to visit the rest of the world. My friends describe me as fun loving, out going, business oriented, like to help, enviromentalist. Not much more i can say. The rest u will discover when we talk and meet. would like to meet a woman with the same interests, with past settled.

Meet a soulmate from Canada. I am an honest generous, responsible person with a big heart. I am also calm , open minded and am not afraid to laugh at myself. I have a bizarre sense of humour that takes time to understand.
I like outdoor activities but also like to sit back , drink a glass of wine and discuss. Yes i cook , do dishes, clean the house without being asked to do it. I dont look for things with the eyes of a man as i am independant. I have parkinsons disease ( whats shaking) which has made me a better person for it

Date someone special from Canada. I enjoy working, but I also like my time off to enjoy life's good times, travel and good food camping in comfort not tent in the middle of the bush, active sports but not glued to every game, I like to see new places and things, enjoy good company, home time is important as well. ask me for more ok.

Meet single man from Canada. Down to earth, love to travel by car and specialy by motorcycle. I own a Harley Davidson and do a lot of traveling with it. I just retire a few mouth ago, so have a lot of time to do what ever i feel to do that day.
Sorry about my English.

Date a man from Gatineau, Canada. I am a quiet and shy person who enjoys life. I don't play head games and don't like it when other people play games with me. I would like someone who loves me for me and not looks or money.I enjoy playing darts and having drinks with my friends. I like to be quiet and hold and cuddled that special woman. I would like to feel comfortable with a woman where we could talk about anything and have no secrets or tell any lies. I just want a companion for life that is suitable for me. This woman should be free going and likes to laugh and have fun. I am not a big talker but a good listner.

Meet a soulmate from Gatineau, Canada. A very simple guy, kind of old hippy, boh?me, responsible. Damn good interesting, that's all! OK, 200 characters you say. That's a long shot to describe simple simplicity. Hum! Ok, I'm french speaking, so anyone interested by learning that great langage is welcome but other are not exclueded. How is that?

Date someone special from Gatineau, Canada. Hi my name is Jean-Marc but you can call me JM. Thank you for visiting my profile. I'm french, originally from a small town call Shawinigan, PQ. I suppose being 56 years old would make me a baby boomer. Did a career in the Canadian Forces and now working for the Federal Government, another words double dipping, loving it. My friends and co-workers find me funny. I'm down to earth kind of guy and easy to please, simple things are my favorites. I'm not looking for a woman, I'm looking for a lady who has good values, stable in all aspects of her life and does not take life too seriously and takes the time to laugh everyday. I am grateful for everything in my life, I thank God/Universe every morning for what I have and for the day great day that I'm going to have. I believe in like attracts like. Sorry my computer crashed not too long ago therefore I don't have a picture yet but this will be rectify shortly, take my words for it I'm good looking, ha ha.