Date men from Canada / Quebec, 36 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Quebec, Canada. My story: Once upon a time... I was born and raised in Montreal all my life, I am Mizrachi and Sephardic.
I am physically active and like to go to go to the gym to exercise and try to walk as much as possible too. I try to eat healthy but have the occasional cravings for ice cream too!
I am looking for someone who is compassionate, non judgmental and likes to laugh and can just like me talk about anything or go for a walk no matter what time of day it is or how cold it is outside. Someone who is modest and simple and does not feel the need to put on a new face to look good. I want to meet someone real and that can just sit back and have fun playing cards or a board games. I do like going out to dinners too, one thing I like is starting with dessert first because I feel why wait for the best part when you can have it right away.

Meet single man from Quebec, Canada. After some time and an attempt at a new experience/method to try in a new city, i find this kind of thing just isn't for profile will stay on til my membership expires but i may not respond to messages. Nice to meet those i have but i'm more of a in person type conversationalist and thus, this site is not my style after all.
I'm looking for positivity and someone who knows how to get enjoyment out of life, be it a night at the movies or a trip to somewhere new. Life is meant to be.....well, lived. I prefer the company of people who like to laugh and enjoy themselves whether in a one on one or group dynamic. I'm new to the city but looking forward to seeing what montreal has to offer in sights, food and entertainment.
While generally a laid back soul, i am known for moments of spontaneous comedy, be it acted or verbal. I don't dwell on negative things and don't take myself too seriously. Sometimes viewed as a hard exterior but like books, covers can be misjudged. I would be best described as fiercely loyal to those in my care, always up for entertainment of all sorts, an entertainment of sorts myself and a good strong shoulder to lean on.
So here's to open minds, meeting new people and good connections!

Date someone special from Quebec, Canada. Smart and fit professional seeks woman with her own mind and Nice hair, smile and sense of humour. Good sex drive and interest in learning and new adventures. Someone who is comfortable in their own skin.

Meet a man from Quebec, Canada. So a little bit about me here goes. I'm friendly, funny, outgoing, intelligent, hard working, loyal, straight forward and have no secrets or skeleton's in the closet. I enjoy being active and like to keep busy usually with outdoor activities. I can talk anyone out of a bad or upset mood. I believe that we are all in this together and it bothers me when people disrespect other people.
Thanks for looking at my profile.

Date a soulmate from Canada. Looking for a woman to first be my friend. I've always thought that if I could go shoe shopping with a woman, and enjoy it simply by her presence, then that would be a great start...
I think two people must be close friends before moving forward. I am looking for something long term but want to take things very slowly, to see if there's that chemistry. Always the truth between two people, even if it's difficult. Loyalty and trust must come first.
I've learned to be patient with others and am a good listener. I feel that you are more likely to learn about someone if you listen more than you talk. I have a great sense of humor and can entertain, I am passionate about life and all it holds, much of which remains to be discovered.
People describe me as intense, probably because I am a man of emotion. When a friends suffers, I suffer too. I've never been called boring, as I can talk about anything or everything, even the most painful of topics. I like to laugh, have a good time and bring out the best in those around me. I will always notice someone sitting alone at a party and go talk to them. Usually to find out that they are amazing people, but just lonely and shy. I am said to be kind, gentle and loving, helping others, whether it be construction work or fixing a computer that contains a lifetime of work. I'm very handy and like things to get done.
I enjoy a very broad canvas of activities. I like to try new things and really take them far before determining if I enjoy them or not. Movies are a big hobby of mine, I can't say I enjoy one type more than another. Some times I go out, other times the simple joy of staying home, making popcorn and watching a good film can sometimes be very relaxing.
I grew up near St-Jovite (Mont-Tremblant), my family lives there so I don't see them as often as I'd like. I love'm all, family is very important to me so eventually I bought a small cottage to be close to them, right on Lac Sauvage not 5 minutes from them. I rebuilt a few parts of it, added a fireplace and now it's a great place to relax. In my profile pictures you can see the view when you wake up in the morning.
As a child, the forest was my back yard and over the years I've come to feel that it has a very soothing effect. I would go for hours at a time, tracking wildlife. I have had some great mentors in this regard and still enjoy trekking in the forest.
Jogging is my thing. Did a few half-marathons and working my way up to a full marathon. But I'm not a fanatic, I just do it because it helps me feel good and focused. On the other hand, it lets me find my limits, endurance and will power.
In most things, I need stability. I been working for 15 years at the same place as an engineer. I'm very determined and ambitious. I have a great job as an engineer. I design large scale computer networks, from the planning phase to the actual deployment. I also handle last line support for emergencies. Often being the third or forth person called in to resolve an outage. This has led me to solve some very creative problems while learning to think outside the box.
I love to travel, Europe is beautiful but the jetlag kills me. Every winter I go down to the Caribbean to spend a week or two there, love to do cruises as well. Basically anywhere warm where I can lie on the beach and relax is perfect.
I'm looking for a woman to be my companion, my friend, to share life with, to laugh. Someone I can say everything to. A woman that occasion, does not mind getting dressed up so I can take her out to dinner, and treat her like a lady.
I'm a romantic at heart, passionate and gentle, having learned the lesson between what is cheezy and what is truly romantic, I always want my companion to feel close, loved and understood, but at the same time always feel safe.
I you are looking to take things slow, gradual, and want a companion to laugh with, someone who can enjoy both the small and the

Meet single man from Canada. I just got a place in town, and am loving it so far! I'm seeking a partner in crime for: salsa lessons, digging into the food scene, comedy, running all the trails up Mont-Royal and through La Fontaine, loads of great music (from house to jazz, I'm in), and poking our heads into as many hidden nooks as we can. I'm hoping you're happy, fit, sassy, affectionate, driven, outgoing, and fun. You're a foodee-athlete-culture maven-comedienne with verve and zest for life? Yes please, come sit at my table - I'll pull out your chair.
Who is your fellow-explorer-to-be? I have a thirst for life, and I plan to drink it up 'till there's nothing left! I am definitely a Jack of all Trades and love it... probably one of the most easy-going people you know, while also probably one of the most driven and energetic. I'm a bit of a yellow lab - I wake up happy and ready for the day, see the good in everyone, love food, love being active, and love being around people. (I'd like to think I'm a bit more intelligent than the average lab though. For instance: I've never eaten a belt buckle...)
Who are we? This being online dating, its easy to fill in checkboxes and make a list, but once we're past basics, it all comes down to chemistry. I'm ultimately looking for my partner, best friend, and lover - we'll be attracted to each other's energy, share joie de vivre, be very affectionate, communicate often and well, build a life together, and still be chasing each other around the kitchen table when we're 80.
So - let's grab a cup of coffee, or maybe see who can find the most unusual thing in Jean Talon. Challenge me, make me laugh, and I'll do the same. At the very least, we each make a new friend. At best, we join hands and take over the world!
(Also, I'm splitting my time between MTL and Burlington, VT - I'm loving the city and definitely plan to continue doing so, but Burlington folks can say hi too!)

Date someone special from Canada. I just moved back to Montreal from Los Angeles.
I spend some of my time building websites and the rest of it thinking about animated music videos and chillwavy music.
I like road trips, snowboarding, power yoga, hiking.

Meet a man from Canada. I am sociable, funny, and very passionate. I have strong family values and a lot of respect for myself. I can be the most giving lovable person. I'm a pretty outgoing person who is easy to get along with, but I may come off as a little shy at first. That won't last long though. I am the type to succeed in what I do. Im looking for the last piece of my puzzle, and would love to share everything with her. Looking for a long lasting relationship, one that will last forever and won't fade no matter what, with of course a mix of fun and serious side to it.

. Love life, travel, sporting, boating country and city activities. Own house in the city and in the country. Travel abroad regularly.
Work hard as corporate manager. Presently working with people in florida to build a manufacturing plant there. Have a passion for computer science and fields related to electronics
Love to spend time at my country house and on my sailboat during summer! Been single for some time, been hanging arounds lots of beautiful women. Feel comfortable in their company. Looking for someone mature and confident.
Love sports and general physical activities. Basically wish to meet someone with whom to continue learning and evolving. Love politics, theater, spirituallity and religion. I love music, play guitar, base and purcussions.
I honestly beleive that there is no prerequise to be a perfect match appart from sincerity and willingness to learn new people and things.

. All the questions we had to fill out like religion, ethnicity, income, color of your eyes or your sucks are not important to me.;what's important to me is your values and the person you are therefore the only way we can get to know each other is through communication not looking at the person's profile.
Ladies please we are in 21th century don't wait for men to contact you; you have winks, IM and e-mail use them !
Some facts about me : I'm a professional, respectful and nice man who loves his job.
I look much better in person
I don't have any bad habits like smoking, drugs, gambling,....
I don't like rudeness and I can be very assertive
I respect myself and others
Self growth is very important to me and I like to read books about this subject
I have a lot to offer
I'm very romantic with the right person
I like dancing
I like cooking with that special person and walking in a rain with her
I'm looking for kindhearted, balanced and intelligent woman to share our time on this earth together

. I've been told that I can be compatible with just about anyone. I guess I can just find a common ground where me and anyone for that matter can relate to or at least enjoy a conversation about.
With that being said, im willing to take things slow and let the relationship develop into what it should be and not force it into what we want it to be.

. I have a sense of adventure ,willingness to try new things ,take risk.I am really at my best when I am challenged.
I am really interested in exercise because I do believe it is the only way in order to stay healthy and a healthy lifestyle helps to become successful .I also like to travel to see what the world has to offer.
love is one of the most important thing for me so I am looking for a girl who appreciates love.

. I'm a patient funny hard working man, sociable, with almost a good life I'm just missing a good patient honest woman to complete me and create a futur with, I don't really believe in love at first site, the only real way to learn about someone and to fall in love is to meet them and have a discussion to see if the famous click happens, I'm not subscribed so I can't communicate really with anyone but maybe soon lol

. In a job interview, I was asked to tell something negative about myself ! you can imagine that I was forced to lie about myself ! I said I might be pushy once in a while but I realized later that I just said that because I was confused and I didn’t want to show that I was taken aback by the question. I still can’t answer that question, but it is not because of egocentrism; it is because all I can imagine depends on several conditions and may or may not occur in a slightly different situation. See how I may complicate a simple question?
Seriously though, I assume happiness should be both found and built. There are times that we are fortunate enough to find the joy in simple things and there are times that we need to put some effort and build our happy moments.
I am looking for someone I can be happy with… with whom I can both explore and build. I assume my ideal match could be someone calm and smart who naturally radiates glee. I need a little bit more of social activities in the society I am currently living in, but I may need a little time to get the pace and change gear. I enjoy exploring ideas, feelings, people, cultures and music. Depending on the subject, I can be talkative or be more inclined to listen and think. My character has both sides of intuitiveness and extroversion. I can be both an activist and an analyst; there are times that I prefer to be only the latter, leaning back and looking at things from far.
Most of the times I can’t help being frank about my feelings and impressions. However, I don’t misjudge others and I know what pain is. Therefore, I can be compassionate as I understand that I may need that sympathy and compassion once in a while (rarely though).
More to come…

. I'm a very athletic young male. I keep busy by cycling, running, crossfit, xc skiing/ rollerskiing, teaching spinning classes, and just enjoying the great outdoors. You can also find me in front of a movie when I need a break.
I currently live on the outskirts of Montreal and have been living here for the past 6yrs. Originally from Ottawa/Orleans, I am deeply rooted in my former hometown and still consider it as home as often as I can...
I'm an intense and passionate person. I am also very generous of my time and person (my friends say too much so!) and am loyal to my friends and family.
Looking for someone with like-minded values, a partner/someone to share in life's little pleasures, and eventually partner in life. Not looking for someone to complete me, nor am I looking to complete someone. My ideal partner should also like dogs and enjoy spending time with the both of us...