Date men from Canada / Quebec, 37 year old - page 3

Date a man from Quebec, Canada. Im a relax man who like to be busy, family oriented. Im looking for a sociable women, active and organize. Life is short, enjoy it! Im passionate by nature, agriculture and all kinds of animals. I love people

Meet a soulmate from Quebec, Canada. My hair now it's short but i want a coupe more short and samething color platinum. I am beautiful face sociable and big smile on my face anytime. Im a girl very sociable and great live, passionate to.

Date single man from Quebec, Canada. nice man looking for nice women open minded 25-35 yrs. I like going out with friend, shopping watching movies. I am looking for long-term relationship with nice women. I like also to have new experience with new friends

Meet someone special from Quebec, Canada. I’m a positive person for whom the glass is always half full. Things tend to work out for me, or I forget the bad things and move on. I love joking around and having a good time. I love having friends and family over. Family is very important. I try to keep negativity out of my life when I can, negative things are just distractions.
My career keeps me at a desk a lot but as soon as I’m out of the office, I love to get out and be active. Whether it is hiking, long bike rides, gardening or carpentry and construction, I like to be on the move.
I just finished building all the cabinets in my new kitchen (fall project - turned fall/winter/spring project) and last year I built a deck and assembled a pool for the backyard. The kitchen took almost 9 months and while it looks better than could have hoped, it was a much bigger project than I assumed at the beginning.
I tend to be attracted to big projects that require intricate detail and planning. Often when I decide I would like something like a new kitchen or a pool table, my first thought is "can I build it myself?" This is where the trouble starts LOL. I do find the work very fun and there is nothing as rewarding as looking at the finished project and knowing that you did it. I have to admit hearing. "Wait, YOU built this?" is always rewarding.
I love where I live. I live just off the island, about 25 minutes from downtown so I have easy access to the fun of the city but I have space. Having grown up in the city, I always wanted a real backyard with trees.
I love reading but I'm careful when picking up a new book since it tends to consume me until done. I don't usually watch TV or movies at home.
What am I hoping for? I'm looking for an adventurous girl who is open to trying new things. She needs to be strong willed, independent, intelligent and kind. I feel that in a good relationship we'll spend a lot of time together and then amuse each other with stories of what happened when we were doing our own thing.
I'm hoping to find someone who is down to earth. I don't mind a "girly-girl" or a high-maintenance girl when we are going out in public but she needs to be willing to get her hands dirty from time to time and sweat on a good hike or bike ride when we are alone.

Date a man from Canada. hi there, i am a passionate man who love to massage and tickle his womans feet after a long day at work. if you enjoy being pampered and have a heavy appetite for intimacy(eventually) then please send me a message. ;) until then... :D

Meet a soulmate from Canada. I am a Geek Surfer who works on spreading love on the web and always try to find the perfect combination of food & wine. I am very passionate about: futurism, science-fiction, intelligence augmentation, ultimate frisbee & movies that include all of the above. I also like long walks on the beach.

Date single man from Canada. My ideal match likes food, passion, has a way of looking at life like every minute counts and wants to make the bet of it, she speaks her mind and is able to make decisions without thronging twice, I am a perfectionist and very organized.

Meet someone special from Canada. I am a busy healthcare professional looking to meet an independent woman who equally appreciates family, personal time and career responsibilities. Someone who agrees that when it's time to work, you work hard, but when it's time to play, you laugh hard. I have 3 kids who mean the world to me and am hoping to meet that magical woman who will cherish time with me alone and with me and them. I am looking for someone who is intelligent, able to discuss topics, who is caring and compassionate, who enjoys a good meal, and who understands that conversation over drinks is sometimes a great way to spend the evening.

. I'm a nice guy and i'm looking for you. Yes you got it right i am looking for you! you probably recognize yourself, don't you!?
I rather talk in person or even chat then describing myself. Come talk to me.

. What I'm loking for in a partner is good looks and smart person that enjoys life itself.also a good hearted person that doesn't judge no one but is reasonable and understanding.good listener would be a plus,and open minded

. Hi everyone, i've been told I can find you here...that is, that special girl that can make my heart melt in a single hi, and mold it back in a single kiss...I am a positive person with a sense of humour, I have an appetite for ambition, I gave-up my job as an astronaut :) to study massage theropy while building my company which i enjoy doing very much, its chalenges inspire me to succeed & stay focused while being creative, which in turn keeps me grounded...i'm honest, reliable, &a determined individual...when time allows for it i go out with my friends, friends whom i've known since forever... getting to try new wines and tasting different cultural dishes. I love creating tasty meals that melt in your mouth...a favourite of mine is making a mean Italian sauce which takes 3 unforgivable ingrediants if skipped, passion, patience, and pleasure in no particular order :) I have a passion for life and have compassion for others.
one of my life's milestone occured in 99, i was in a "made the news" accident,(litterally) and as a result, lost my eye-sight, despite this "bump on the road"never lost my vision, and am still pushing the envelope...i terminated my bachelor in finance/economics along with a diploma in real-estate sales, real-estate finance, and property management, i also pursued another interest of mine in health recieveing a fitness training diploma & one in massage theropy...maybe next i'll learn yoga...any private instructors out there? life has changed its course a little but my ambitious hunger has grown ten-fold.
i have also had the opportunity to practise a few spiritual teachings which have allowed me to appreciate precious moments, embracing what is already here.
I like deep conversation and simple talks in the dark , even more I enjoy romantic walks in the park, i am pretty adventurous but don't think i'd do any activity life threatening....

i'd like to meet someone who is honest and has a certain level of intensity/passion, is caring, and a little daring...who has a sense of humour, a healthy life-style be it walking, running, cycling, wheight-lifting, or yoga all of which will certainly help with creativity...

. Don't juge a book by it's cover. Good guy with a bad boy look.Tattoos on shoulders and neck ( more to come,eventualy ). Looking for a princess tomboy ; likes to dress up when we go out but can also wear jeans and a tank top to camping or fishing.

. Well hello there. Welcome to my profile.
Here's me in a nutshell:
- Knows the meaning of the word “Family”
- Values friendship immensely. Always surrounding himself with good people.
- Thinks of others before himself
- Says what he means and means what he says
- Handy with tools.
- Loves the outdoors
- Plays board games (Trivial Pursuit to Blokus to chess to Cranium)
- Enjoys cooking. Definitely a meatatarian. Never met a pork chop or a lamb shank he couldn’t handle
- Sees the comedy in every awkward situation
- Laughs at himself…CONSTANTLY!!!
- Travels extensively (next stop Istanbul)
- I mountain bike and snowboards as much as the weather permits?
- Easy going and free flowing personality. I don’t sweat the small stuff.
- Huge fan of music. Mumford and Sons, Crystal Castles, Pearl Jam, Led Zeppelin, Crystal Castles, Massive Attack, and Underworld just to name a few. Anything that strikes an emotional cord…ya know? Nothing mainstream or top 40 I'm afraid. I cant seem to find the soul.
- Sarcastic sense of humour.
I’m here on Match in the hopes of finding my best friend. This friend must be compassionate, affectionate, caring, intelligent, who likes to travel off the beaten path as well as the common weekend road trip, knows who she is and wants out of life. A woman who gives as much as she receives. Treats people like she wants to be treated and possibly enjoys some activities as I do
If you like what you read and want to know more why not drop me a line? Would love to hear from you.

. This is a test for me. I've been single for the last couple of months and i'm ready to invest in a new and serious relationship. I'm a professional workind in the health area. I hope to find someone honest, funny, with goals in life.

. A regular guy who looks for a regular girl :) Life's too short and all that so...why not ? Never done that before, so why not? Actually, I dont know what more to write here, but since they want me to write 200 characters...