Date women from Canada / Quebec / Quebec, 43 year old

Date a woman from Quebec, Canada. My friends & family would tell you I have a huge heart and am a very loyal person. I go above and beyond for those I love. I do tend to wear my heart on my sleeve therefore, I'd like a man who is not afraid to be affectionate & at least a little sensitive & most importantly COURTEOUS, what woman doesn't want to be put on a pedestal & what woman doesn't want to feel like she's the most beautiful girl in the world,Please figure out the puzzle on number 3 and ask me what ever you would like to know about me
1. he carries laughter in his pocket and shares it generously with others.
2. His prettiest outfit is the smile he wears to thank the world for an wonderful life.
3. Figure out the puzzle and write me vallplat at the yahool
4. Humbleness and compassion are his closest companions on the roads she travels.
5. he breathes respect for all, even the smallest of living things.
6. he brings intelligence and wisdom to the table, yet dishes them out modestly.
7. he seeks to make his inner self just as beautiful as the one he sees in the mirror daily.
8. he mixes Playfuln3ss with goofin3ss to get the Sweetness of us.
9. Love and loyalty are written on his heart not just words spoken.
10. He wants a longterm

Meet someone special from Quebec, Canada. I like to enjoy life with no complications. I would like to meet someone that can make me smile every day, and that can attract me forever. I would like a man that appreciates the small things. Kindness and generosity are very important to me.

Date a soulmate from Quebec, Canada. Looking for someone who's honest, funny and as tired as I am of the games people play. Want someone who can dish it as well as take it. I like to laugh and am fairly funny. I am overwieight but extremely lovable.