Date men from Canada / Quebec / Rigaud, 48 year old

Date someone special from Rigaud, Canada. Have recently made a decision to start on a new journey wanting to find a life partner to share all of what life may bring. Ma langue maternelle est le Francais mais je travaille a plein temps en anglais. My walk with God is not limited to the Sunday morning worship experience. I have both feet on the ground, work hard but not consumed with it. I play the violin, enjoy getting fresh fruits and veggies to prepare a nice dish to share. I am at a place in my life where I would like to invest in a relationship doing things I could not do before like going on a cruise, get away weekend etc.. I am not huge on the dating game but would be happy to eventually treat a lady with the utmost attention and respect she deserves as a woman. I welcome feedback and appreciate any suggestions to point me in the right direction.