Date men from Canada / Quebec / Saint-Basile-le-Grand, 44 year old

Date a soulmate from Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Canada. I'm a french canadian, from south shore of Montr?al and I'm looking for nothing else than ''the woman of my life''. It is as simply as that. And for her, I'll do anything and I want it to be the same for her. In french we called it Symbiose.
I knew what love was before and I'm looking too retrieve these fantastic feelings.
And soon or late I will find you, and you know what, I'll know when it will happen.

Meet a man from Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Canada. Looking for a woman who is honest, caring, affectionate and not afraid to show her feelings towards me. She must have a great sense of humor, not be judgmental. I love people who are tru to themselves and others and enjoy women who see laughter as an important part of their lives.