Date men from Canada / Quebec / Saint-Eustache, 33 year old

Date someone special from Saint-Eustache, Canada.
I am not quite sure what to write ( and quite frankly I don't think a few lines would be able to define anyone either )
I am a simple person that does not require high maintenance. I already a serious career that I enjoy very much and it provides me with lot of unique experiences ( and tons of stories to tell as a bonus ) I also love to learn, there are so many things out there to discover.
I am pretty social, and thus fairly easy to get along with. I am not afraid of spending time indoors enjoying videogames ( not the boring mindless ones, the one that are on par with great books or movies... You would be amazed to see how many untold amazing stories this media has to offer ) The same applies to movies and books ( Generaly I am not difficult with movies, however, i ll have a hard time to focus on a romance movie...especially if it involves Lite-Bright Vampires & werewolfs & desperates school girls ) A good boargame with friends is also a great way of spending time ( i know i know it sounds geeky but i assure you it has it s perks ) What i am tring to say is that wheter by playing games, enjoying conversation and friends or elsewise, I simply like to have fun .
I am somewhat fond of irony and sarcasm, since I find that people now a day takes themselves way too seriously, focus too much on the little things and you loose sight of the bigger picture... In the end everything is only what you make of it. So like the "famous" saying : when life gives you lemon then make lemonade ( people usually enjoy lemonade even if it is biter... but sugar is also added to make it less biter... and well something like that, i am not quite sure where i was going with that but you get the idea... If not, well, just disregard )
Well if you got that far in reading about then i guess i was able to entertain you for a bit and you deserve a thank you for reading !
P.S : As a side note, i am french ( not the europeen type just a normal Quebec type ) and I have no ideas why i am writting all this in english... but hey ! Enough about me, what about you ?