Date women from Canada / Quebec / Trois-Rivieres, 30 year old

Date a woman from Canada. "what keeps a person going in the midst of ADVERSITY is having a sense of is the fuel that POWERS PERSISTENCE!!..SUCESsFUL people have the ability to take RESPONSIBILiTy.Don`t be afraid to take risk,to become involve,to make a whatever it takes to make your DREAMS come TRUE!" Everythings has its own is so beautiful..Full of surprises and a lot more.. Don`t loose hope to every person who is desperate of something..You can find your happiness in a small things that makes a great meaning to your life!!! If there`s a life,there`s a hope!! Goodluck everyone!!! Hold on to your life!! Don`t give up.Life is always a cycle!!! =) Problems help us to be more matured, courageous, and becoming a strong person. Everything happen for a reason!
I`m a profond person. With a good principles of life. My priority is my family and work,. i`m a responsible,understanding loving, sweet, sincere ,thoughtful and generous person.i work hard to find my future and to have a worthful life..i like to live a simple is very important for a balance, happy life..I`m passionate about life.. with all aspect of Life!! I`m an open-minded person. We can talk everything under the sun. I respect your opinion and points of view in your life. I love to learn new things which I could use in my everyday life that makes me more matured person.I keep my principles to guide me and lead my way to a better,worthful,happy life..
I like adventures and to explore new place. I am flexible and easy to be with. I love to laugh and like to have a good,profond,meaningful conversation. I love to be with my family,friends and meeting new people. I love reading inspirational books that I could learn valuable and meaningful lessons to our life.I`m a simple person who don`t live in a lux.I don`t care material things.Profond happiness, inner peace in my heart, a good health ,family,friends and special love ones counts for me...
My ideal man is a responsible, caring,thoughtful,romantique,sweet,sincere,respect
ful,trustworthy,with a sense of humor, who love kids and lastly with a good principle of life..with full of guide and to rule his life..he should prioritize his family before anything else.he is matured enough to build his own family. Communication is a must no matter how busy of what he is doing!! Action speaks louder than voice..he do what he promised! He care and protect our relationship to build a long,harmonious,happy life together!
I`m looking for a serious relationship,not just for playing and not just for fun!