Date men from Canada / Quebec / Verdun, 54 year old

Date a man from Verdun, Canada. I am friendly,respectful, and most of all a gentle man. I believe in being open and honest, loving your family, being a REAL friend, treating others with respect, being committed to the ones you love regardless of their actions, showing affection, doing the little things that show you care, listening before deciding.
I love life, thrive on positive energy and am truly grateful for my ability to maintain joy from within, not depending on outside circumstances or other people to make me happy. I have an open mind, am nonjudgmental, have many interest. Hardworking, honest, and direct - with a strong streak of generosity and sympathy. I have a creative mind, quick wit, and am secure in my knowledge,finance and abilities. I am happiest when active and productive. I am a hopeless romantic person and i love to show it.
The plan to find my partner is the "friends first" approach....At our age, we not only know who we are but what we are looking for...(but please allow room for surprises!)...We're looking for that last love, last companion, who can still knock our coldness off, but who is safe and warm, dependable, someone we find we can trust with our innermost thoughts/feelings. There are so many things we still want to do, but would so much prefer having that special someone to share those things with. We don't mind having our alone time.