Date men from Canada / Quebec / Wakefield, 73 year old

Date a soulmate from Quebec, Canada. I am an independent thinker; I have been described by a somewhat conservative aquaintance as "a radical non-conformist". I love people and I care deeply about the direction Canada has taken during recent years. I have been involved in personal growth work for many years and i believe the increased self-awareness that this kind of work provides is humanities best hope for the future. I am optimistic about the future despite predictions of doom and gloom because I see the changes in human consciousness occurring everywhere. I think I am most proud of the number of people I have enrolled into personal growth work and huge positive impact it has made on their lives and the lives of the people in their sphere of influence.
I am so grateful for my life. For the many great teachers I have had over the years, for my beautiful teenage children, for my home in the country, for the village of Wakefield and the wonder offbeat community here, and for all the great friends I am blessed with. Allof this (and more) is too good to keep only to myself - I want to share it with a special person. I have much to offer to a relationship and I am looking to fall in love with a woman who will fall in love with me and who will want to share this great life with me.