Date women from Canada / Saskatchewan / Moose Jaw, 45 year old

Date someone special from Moose Jaw, Canada. Work Hard
Love Well
Play Safe
Laugh Often...
Travel is the SPICE of my life....
My children are the LOVE of my life...
I work to live NOT vice versa...
Progression motivates me in ALL ways..

Meet a woman from Moose Jaw, Canada. brand new....just checking this out for now....hope to have luck in this world looking for someone nice where are you hellooooooooo someone new please want to find someone nice someone is lookin for you too

Date a soulmate from Moose Jaw, Canada. Two years ago I moved back from Europe after an amazing four years teaching and traveling in The Netherlands, so it would be a safe assumption that I love seeing new places, getting to know interesting people, and learning about other cultures...and, of course, learning new languages. The past couple of years have flown by, but that travel bug is pestering me again, so I'm planning to take a trip to Peru next summer to improve my Spanish. I'm going into my second year teaching high school and this year my assignment will include a beginning Spanish course.
Just before I left Europe, I survived one of the biggest physical challenges of my life, biking 370 km in 3 days through the very hilly Ardennes of Belgium. I enjoy trying new things, challenging myself, and it would be great to find someone special to take off with me on my adventures.
Aside from keeping physically active, I love going to movies on a Friday night or just curl up with a good book. I'm into all the arts from live theatre to ballet.
Getting dressed up at the weekend for a night of dancing is time well spent, but going out for coffee in a pub or cafe somewhere is a great way to relax and enjoy an evening, as well.
My perfect mate is someone who respects me as an independent woman, but still has some room for chivalry and honour. He is enthusiastic about life and enjoys many different interests, not necessarily the same ones as I do. He's confident and knows what he wants in his personal and professional life...but still has an open mind and isn't afraid to make mistakes. I don't expect perfection, just honesty and sensitivity mixed in with a healthy dose of humour.
I don't necessarily expect to find my perfect mate close to home and I think that special person would be worth a move.