Date women from Canada / Saskatchewan / Nipawin, 42 year old

Date someone special from Nipawin, Canada. I am a free spirited type of woman..almost liked to call myself a "Wild One", but such wording would draw unnecessary attention to ones self. As stated I am divorced and have been in this "condition" since 95' lol. I have an awesome sense of humour and can take the best of most peoples words..unless done in a harmful degrating, discriminatory manner. Then please be aware now that you will hear my opinion as I've heard yours.. not one to allow such negativity pass without addressing it. "Nip Shiiite" in the butt" is my motto. Advocate at heart is how many may describe me.. for who is to be there for those who do not know how to. Standing strong for what I believe in..
Having only dated "Aboriginal" males and found that appreciation of having a strong hard working woman would never be enough.. I search for a man who can "Stand Beside me..not behind me...nor in front of me" I search for an Equal. Some one who has common interests and is able to hold a decent conversation of Current Events, Values, in general stimulate debates...meeting of the minds, as well able to seperate work from home life. You do not need to be a Model , as long as you are able to look yourself in the mirror and say "I love you" and be truely satisfied with where you are in life inside and out- I am sure we will get along.Nationality does not matter to me.