Date men and women from Canada / Alberta / Hinton, 58 year old

Date a soulmate from Alberta, Canada. i am honest and man of my word
a good joke
paid for my house
i am alive
understanding and
companionship and talking thing out that ttragedy
i got a ok laugh
i like sex
i like to work and enjoy fixing thing and building thing

Meet a soulmate from Alberta, Canada. If you had the choice, would you choose to live forever?
There is no such thing as an accidental or insignificant relationship. Each is meaningful.
Life is a great teacher. I have learned to live within the time frame known as Today. Yesterday has been lived and Tomorrow is just that. There is so much more to be learned and I am ready.
If you are grounded and comfortable in your own skin, we might have something. At this stage I have finally learned that what other people think of me is not as important as what I think of me as well as my partner's impressions.
Money is important (been there done that), but I want someone who complements me, not completes me. I'm already whole.
My soul is full of love of God, family and friends, but there is room for that special connection.
Compassionate is how people would describe me. Caring for people is natural for me.
I am a great organizer and planner which is the solid foundation for any successful project. But spontenaity is not beyond my realm of consideration.
Still waters run deep if you wish to dip your toes into the stream.
Shyness can be a stumbling block for me, but I work at it. At my age I am less likely to stick my foot in my mouth when meeting new people or in new situations.
I wake up every day and thank God for my life and my family. I try to live each day to the best of my ability and savour it all.
Important qualities???? Honesty, compassion and the true ability to love another for who they are. We are all moving toward healing those places that are wounded. Love will deliver everything UNLIKE itself to your doorstep for healing. In a relationship, we polish each other like diamonds in a tumbler.
I am drawn to men who are hard workers. I will appreciate someone who works as hard as I do, and who also has learned the life lesson, that family comes first, just like my Dad. I also would just absolutely love someone who can be handy at home. I hate having to phone workmen to come and fix things!!! I can use a hammer and have been known to go under the hood of my car to check things out.
I have no children of my own, but in being a teacher, I was always aware that my classroom was most often the defining time spent in many children's lives. I was teaching the future.
I believe that I am an astute judge of character, even through the winks and messages shared on this site. The length of a relationship, or how it ends, is never wrong it is just life. There are no mistakes, they unfold just as they are supposed to.
I am not a new Christian, have always been spiritual and knew my being here on earth, was purposed by God. I have recently embraced the Catholic Church and find it is the solid rock on which to base my life. I would love it if you would entertain the idea of joining me.
At this special time. in my life, I am looking forward to 'behaving' like a teenage again. A much wiser teenager, to be sure. I look forward to making you smile, laugh, to sharing hopes and aspirations and to making and keeping plans together. From the time we wake in the morning, till we lay our heads down after a long day, our thoughts of each other, our shared love permeate everything we do and say. Always remember you are something special just because you are.