Date women from Canada / Manitoba / Dauphin, 33 year old

Date someone special from Dauphin, Canada. I like to live life with as little worry and stress as possible, and for this reason I am pretty easy-going and have no drama in my life. I love being a home owner and doing renovations to make my house a home. I also love my job and have fun at work every day. I am very grateful for good friends and family. I do not own a dress or a skirt and am not into hair, make-up, clothing, shopping etc, although I do take care of myself and want someone who takes care of themself as well. Being active and healthy are important to me. I like to keep busy with sports, running, yoga when I can, and walking. Would love to have someone who would like to walk in the evenings with me - the i-pod just isn't a great conversationalist. I like to take of of the person I am with. I like to cook and bake and do things for others just because. I take pride in what I have, even if it is not expensive or fancy. I work very hard for all that I have, so I am proud to be where I am.
I love hanging out around a fire with friends
I sneeze a lot and very loudly
I love a great debate and have stong opinions
Golf is quickly becoming a favorite hobby
Not a hockey fan - sorry to all you hockey fans out there!
I love spicy food
I make home-made pizza every Friday night - kind of a tradition
I lole tattoos - they intrigue me, but I do not have any
I love to sleep - never have troubles sleeping, just getting up in the morning.
Two crazy addictions - toothpaste and shampoo - Therefore you can rest assured I have clean teeth and hair!
Very patient with children - a little less with adults who act like children all the time
I would take summer heat any day over a cold winter day
Hate, hate, hate smoking - sorry, this is a deal breaker!
I would like to meet someone who has similar interests such as staying active, camping, and travelling. I am not into the bar scene, so meeting new people is difficult (hence my decision to try this out). I also would like someone who is adventurous enough to want to travel or try new things, but also someone who is layed-back enough to just spend an evening at home playing a game or talking. Definitely need someone with a sense of humor who can take my sarcasm!