Date men and women from Canada / Nova Scotia / Bedford, 20 year old

Date single boy from Canada. As a person I like to think of myself as confident but not cocky. I’m a very humble man. I understand that there’s a time to give and be loving and understanding. I also believe in standing up for what I believe and not being walked on. I’m always there for my friends and loved ones. I don’t run from adversity. I care what people think of me because I believe in being the best man I can be. I want people who come across me to think “hey what a cool guy”. It’s not about attention for me. It’s about the importance of ones own honor and respect for those around him.

Meet a guy from Canada. If I was going to describe myself with one word, it would be stubborn. Not in a bad way, mind you, but in a way that says I'm willing to fight for what I want. I very rarely find something that I can get myself passionate about, and I have tried many different things over the years. I want someone who doesn't mind lulls in conversation. I want someone who understands that we don't need to fill every second with mindless words, and that all that really matters is being together.