Date men from Canada / Nova Scotia / Halifax, 44 year old

Date a man from Nova Scotia, Canada. I love to have new friends from the world to enrich the relationships between the nations. So i am looking forward to have friends who really want to be honest. I welcome any person who like to be a friend of mine so go ahead and be my friend

Meet someone special from Nova Scotia, Canada. I live in the heart of the city and I am looking for the woman who likes to laugh and sees the world in a positive light because there is so much to be said for having things in common
I believe that's the beginning of something important

Date single man from Nova Scotia, Canada. Easy going guy looking for an easy going partner wanting to have a fun time and explore life and what it has to offer. Somebody who enjoys the finer things in life without the least complication. Sincerity plays a large part in my life and so does equality without i loosing my gentleman side.

Meet a soulmate from Nova Scotia, Canada. I know this world is full of wonders waiting for me to explore. Are you the one looking for and seeing the same things as I do? I understand anything I give it out will return it finally. So if I give more helps and more smiles to other people, I get back the helps and smiles from others. Everything in the world has its life. Enjoy what I have and will have. Both sunshine and rain will make me smile. White snow will purify my soul in this Xmas season. I hope you can feel what I feel so that we can share our laugh and smile.

Date a man from Canada. im about 5foot 8 i could use to lose a few lbs i have blue eys salt and peper hair i can be funny when need be easy going i dont know what elese to say but call me and see im looking for some one to hang out whith and spend some time whith and see what happens

Meet someone special from Canada. I have 4000 words to describe myself,,,I'll keep it short. Looking for a women that makes me happy and that I can make her happy. I'm not complicated. I'm a home body,,if something needs to be fixed or to be done I'm there. I have simple needs and working hard seems to accomplish everything that I need to be happy. The trick is, work hard, play hard, keep your cool and stay out of trouble is the trick,,,or don't let them catch you lol. I just want to meet someone I can be friends first and then maybe take it to another level,,,but friends first, get to know each other, have fun and if, God willing fall in love,,,it's been a long time for me having that in my life. I have alot to offer to the right woman, maybe I'll find someone here? I cert ainly hope so,,

Date single man from Canada. Who am I , well I am thoughtful and sometimes care free can be serious when the time calls for it but most like life to be easy try not to get hung up on small things in life
I enjoy helping young kids by being a coach in sports and through this medium a coach in life !

Meet a soulmate from Canada. I'm a very easy-going and nice person. My friends describe me as kind, sweet, and dependable. I like watching movies, going to the gym, dining out, etc. But I don't like reading books; I have to be forced to read :)
I'm definitely not lazy when it comes to exercising. I lift weights and jog on occasion. I love horror and suspenseful movies as I have a huge collection that fills a bookcase. I like to drink socially and go out sometimes but I’m not one to go out every night socializing ?
I like someone who’s outgoing and assertive. Someone who likes go for drives, movies, shopping, etc.

Date a man from Halifax, Canada. I am a friendly caring person. I like to talk and have fun by dining out and travel abroad. I am looking for a friend with the same expectations. I like a casual relationship which could be ended up in a permanent relationship.

Meet someone special from Halifax, Canada. Looking for something deeper than looks, but it wouldn't hurt ;) Must have a great laugh inside and out. Not shy, confident (not diva-ish) and high self esteem.
Loves dancing and everything in the world

Date single man from Halifax, Canada. they say that I am a good friend,i look at shows or other people make me smile to. finish things I do .
my family and friend. a person that has a good mind i knows what she wonts.
I voluntear in the comunaty, I'm in a fan club, and I facepaint . when I hear anything that make me laugh.

Meet a soulmate from Halifax, Canada. I am secure & happy with myself, but...Life is meant for 2!! A little bit about myself: I enjoy travel, camping by a lake, gardening, home decorating, Comedy Clubs & Dinner Theater, music, my dog, & celebrating special occasions. I am self-sufficient, independent, honest, I have a great sense of humor, & family & friends are very important to me. A woman who ONLY has eyes for me & can make me laugh are important qualities! No Pressure! Let's just relax...become friends & get to know each other... and see what happens.

. Someone funny and willing to take a chance. Outgoing, but also like to sit back once in a while and relax at home. Flexible in what we would do, maybe take turns cooking or seeing movies. Creative, funny and not too concerned about materialistic things.

. I am a fun loving, easy going man who is looking for some to enjoy all the things that make life great.
I am looking for someone who is caring and enjoys everything that life has to offer, especially the little things. Sometimes the best things are not so obvious.
I enjoy a good laugh and good times with the people I care about.

. my best friends would say i am loyal to the end.i smile when i see a baby who is healthy and happy because it makes me feel good because i lost my baby girl to a cancerous disease and i think every parent needs to really appreciate what they may sound corny but i am most grateful for my 2 remaining children who dont do drugs or booze and dont get in trouble with the law.i just hope to attract a caring ,compassionate if ishould be so bold also a snuggly kind of social life is quite filled but its mostly work to compensate being alone. i just like a good joke and acting silly.i am looking for a woman who will take me as i am and plan a future.i am passionate about family and adventure