Date women from Canada / Nova Scotia / Halifax, 58 year old

Date a soulmate from Nova Scotia, Canada. I am an honest, caring reliable individual and I enjoy being active. I like to dance, walk, hike, cycle and enjoy a social environment with friends and family. I am looking for someone who has intregrity, honesty and wants to share life's good things and has a sense of companionship. I enjoy quiet evenings at home or going out on the town, dancing, dining, concerts, movies.

Meet someone special from Nova Scotia, Canada. I think I can be a very funny person and I laugh at every joke that comes my way- my boys make me smile and I am very grateful to them because they always put a smile on my face. My social life right now is not much, I do go to movies with my friends and I will start going out more but for right now I just laying low. One thing is I love my jobs even though it's very busy so during the week I relax and not do much. Life is short so I guess I try to live life every day as it was my last. Lastly I do love dancing but I need to find a new circle of friends now that I am divorce it's hard to find.

Date a woman from Nova Scotia, Canada. I am hoping to meet new people and have fun.i like to notice one new thing everyday and be thankful for it .even if its small and what we take for granted.
my children have grown and left the nest and im very proud of who they became.Being a single mom most of my life has had very rewarding moments and very tough ones but would not have traded the lessons we both learned for anything.
I am still full of energy and im on the go alot ,i love walks,beaches dancing and dinnerparties with new and old friends.
I dont judge anyone for we all have a story and dont like drama i always keep that free from my life.
I would love to find someone that is capable of being friends first thats important ,then lovers.I am looking for someone that at a drop of a dime wants to go have fun,dance with no music, laugh through tears .

Meet a soulmate from Halifax, Canada. I'm a person that loves to smile and laugh, hug and help people. God has given me a huge heart. I'm very creative and encourage the spark of creation in the hearts and minds of my fellow man. I realize that its the ups and downs that have formed me into the person I am today.I appreciate the person I have become and enjoy the wisdom that comes with age. I am content by myself, but would enjoy the company of a like minded and hearted companion. Oh to meet a positive, wise, loving man that is honest to himself and others, has good morals, loads of interests, a young at heart spirit and is looking for a serious relationship.
Strangers are often just friends we haven't met yet....Good luck with your search!!

Date someone special from Halifax, Canada. I am an easy going and outgoing person.I work a lot with the public and am very comfortable talking in front of a large group of people. I am very close to my family and have good friends, some of them for a life time.
I have a good sense of humor and can laugh at myself as well as others...just kidding!
Cultural interests are huge with me -Art, Theater, Music, etc. I also am a professional artist and that takes up a bit of my time.
.Politics - Harper makes me nuts
I owned and operated a natural food store for ten years so a good diet is important to me. I go to the market once every week or two to do the bulk of my grocery shopping. I love eating ethnic foods/cooking.
I suppose I am looking for someone compatible - who has some of the same interests. As to what type of relationship -friends first of course.
I think this is starting to sound like I am answering a job interview. I'm going to have to come back and edit this with a friend...

Meet a woman from Halifax, Canada. About me?
Well, I'd like to find someone to share some time with.
To laugh and dine and travel with. To be close to...and so on... But that's no surprise, or I wouldn't be here. At least you know up front I'm looking for an active and harmonious relationship. What else?
Well, I'd like to meet someone with smarts and wits. Integrity and respect for others. A zest for life! Someone refined without pretension. Probably preferring warm weather to cold.
I do sound as if I'm building a robot, don't I? I'd bettter add: An independent thinker! But one who doesn't plow over others. Someone who enjoys Europe. I'd better move on...I'm back on that construction site. If you're basically a nice guy, why not read on?
The me to look at:
It's obvious from my age I'm no spring chicken. I don't give two hoots about Botox, tummy tucks, or face lifts. I earned every darn wrinkle I have, but there still aren't many and nothing much jiggles inappropriately. Yet. So who knows? My views on enhancement techniques may change.
I'm a little shrimp, someone said to me recently. No Vogue model but I have a certain style. Elegant, I'm told; I can apparently still turn a few heads when the lighting is right. If you're at the age that's right for me, your eyesight may not the best at any rate. A winning match already! I'm told I'm funny, and I suppose that comment is meant as a compliment.
Ahem, the longer story:
I'm seeking a kind, intelligent, intriguing, reasonably fit and outgoing, cultured confidante who has known a certain degree of accomplishment in life:
- someone who delights in the arts and the pursuit of knowledge;
- who enjoys
long walks--frequently in the company of a great slobbering tugging happy dog,
interesting conversations, and
captivating classical concerts;
- who perhaps enjoys sailing on a sunny day and knows how to handle the rudder on a stormier one; and
- who knows how to savour pleasant dinners accompanied with good wine and soft laughter.
A good dancer gets extra points. Those tolerant of abysmally poor tennis players awarded gold stars, as would be those who might relish ice skating in winter.
I'm not a sports fanatic, but I try to stay fit. I've tried many activities from downhill skiing to scuba diving...with ice all about. Now, I'm usually content with an hour or two walking each day.
Have lived and worked in several countries; love to travel and explore. Can sputter a varying number of words in a number of different languages.
I adore puzzles. Which is how I hope a companion would feel, since it would be well-nigh impossible to reach me from here. Clues, put together, are that I like plenty of water. And I swim like a fish. Do message me there.
Prefer warmer climes to cold. I find it cruel irony indeed that I spend a lot of winters in Canada, but life's what you make it, I suppose. I own a lot of sweaters.
Unable to decide whether it's more fun to prepare platters of food for alfresco dining, or to see everything happily devoured by guests.
Confess to enjoying being pampered. If you tend to be callous or sullen, that's no problem - I wish you well, but let's skip the intros. And everything else.
I run my own little consulting business. It's no big empire, but I work hard and I'm pretty good at what I do.
Often, I find puttering in the garden (don't expect an elegant look then!) as therapeutic as an unplanned weekend in Paris...but would generally choose the latter first.
Strong believer in commitment to family and those we cherish.
Torture for me would be an absence of books, no music, and a dearth of good humour and wit.
Like to think that life is about learning and sharing. To life and its many adventures!
(I've just reread this expose - sorry, accent on last e didn't work - and blather: I can be long-winded. I tend to clam up more in person and express longer thoughts in writing. Congratulations if you got this far.)

Date a soulmate from Canada. Smart, attractive, contemporary professional likes the cosmopolitan lifestyle and the ocean playground. Looking for someone of similar caliber for friendship and possibly more and who has no need to prove themselves to the world, because they already have.

Meet someone special from Canada. I am I kind,generous person who enjoys doing things for other people. I value my family and the time I spend with them.I also enjoy time spent with good friends.I am kind of old fashioned when it comes to dating. I truly appreciate it when a guy opens a door for me.And most of all someone who is honest.

Date a woman from Canada. my closest friends would say, I'm warm,
compassionate and trustworthy, a true friend.
I'm grateful for becoming a parent and watching my children go through the different stages of life, guiding them as best I could. I'm looking for someone with understanding,smart and passionate about something. I'd like to meet someone and have a vey nice social life, with old and new friends and family. I try hard to do my best at what I do.

. I am a very caring, strong woman who loves family life. I have a passion for cooking, growing my own vegetables and herbs and also trying different cuisines. I really enjoy music and going to concerts - such as Dylan, kdLang, Diana Krall, etc.
Although I enjoy a simple life I also love to visit new places. I have travelled throughout Europe where I enjoy visitng museums, art galleries, theatres etc. I would love to meet someone with whom to share my joys, travels and the rest of my life. I have a very busy worklife and am an upbeat person who loves people.