Date men from Canada / Nova Scotia / Kingston, 70 year old

Date a man from Kingston, Canada. As a child I grew up in a very loving big family with brothers and a sister that have always been close friends and a strong foundation for my whole life.
Life has giving me some very rewarding partnerships but in the last one also a big disappointment at the end. Having moved on I have forgiven us all and am laughing and singing again.
I am a proud father of some very special children. For the last five years my partner left overseas and I cared for two of them more or less like a single parent. Preparing, sharing and celebrating each meal with them was a special experience.
They are all living outside now and I am again open for a new relationship and looking for a soulmate that appreciates inner values, fitness&health and character as much or more as so called beauty, materialistic things and never ending wastefulness . Ironically I have learned as much or more from my children then they from me.
Being a born optimist I mastered huge hurdles with bravura and am now more than ever with passion and love engaged to share some of my luck and my knowledge as a global volunteer working for a non for profit organisation and for a sustainable future for all beings.
The partner I am looking for must ideally share some of the values and goals and have a similar hunger and thirst for spiritual growth. The mutual support for growth will enable a very rich and rewarding partnership of equal, free and yet committed and loyal close friends.

Meet someone special from Kingston, Canada. just never thought i would grow old alone. i spend a lot of time reading and listening to music. my parrot talks, but its hardly conversational. it would be nice to have someone to talk to. i lost my wife to cancer several years ago and my health suffered from my lack of interest in life. with the passing of time i have been able to get on with things but i find it very lonley.

Date single man from Kingston, Canada. I am the father of two adult "boys" who have not made me a grandfather yet (as far as I know). I have been on my own for quite a while, but have never stopped preferring mixed company, even when I am the "extra male". With your help, the social life I like will be easier as well as better. Laughter is a big part of this. Nothing makes life's headaches disappear like a good joke and kibbitzing among friends.
My hobbies are boating, singing in the bass section of a choir, volunteering, home improvement etc. Your hobbies needn't be the same as mine. I am not looking for a mirror image of myself, although we will find lots of common interests won't we?
I like to play squash, and at my age it pays to work at fitness a bit to be able to play the game without undue stress on the bod.
Music is a big part of my life. I have a tune going though my head most of the time. My first love is classical but I need frequent escapes from it, so bring some music of yours to turn my head. I like most music and have really enjoyed being exposed to music suggested by friends.
What I am looking for in a relationship is initially companionship and friendship. Let's see where it goes from there. I am not a hopeless romantic who thinks he can find love on the net. All I am looking for is an introduction and it is up to you and me to take it from there.
Thanks for checking in and reading this. If you are the fun type, I want to hear from you. Otherwise, good luck in your search.