Date men from Canada / Quebec / Bryson, 60 year old

Date a man from Bryson, Canada. I am located about one hour from Ottawa..Please ladies dont put pictures of yourselves when you were 10 years younger its just not the way it is we do all get older.About me I love to travel and like all types of music,I enjoy stand up comedy,the outdoors,not a couch potato but I dont mind watching tv,csi,, and ufc,man tracker and 2 and a half men .I also enjoy karaokee.I am looking for my equal, , also if you are on meds where you have good days and bad days please dont email me, .I also operate my own small business so those of you that want all my time and attention be prepared to spend time at my place this does not mean that we would not enjoy the good life just that its business then pleasure. Also I do realise that I am very blessed so I thank God everyday because he does so much for all who believe in him.Even if I put down dating I am not against a long term reationship with the right lady.