Date men from Canada / Quebec / Lachute, 60 year old

Date someone special from Quebec, Canada. For me I was raised with strong values . I believe what you say should mean something . Your word is you and it is important to be truthful no matter how hard that can be at times. Without trust in one another there is no chance of ever being happy. Others matter ,it cant always be about you. The person I am looking for needs to share the same values . Respect and honesty and able to easily converse about any problems that may arise in a relationship. Someone who enjoys to laugh is a joy to be around. I love the simple things in life , a sunny day, a walk in the woods, nature and all it offers. Playing guitar and singing offer me a place to be me.I enjoy the company of my friends and those dear to me I value the most in life. Am a good listener and offer someone you can trust in every way.Hope someone out there shares the same things I do.