Date men from Canada / Quebec / Chateauguay, 39 year old

Date a soulmate from Chateauguay, Canada. Looking for a person that is fun to be with. Likes to share in the same hobbies as i do, Bowling, Pool, sitting on the deck and having a good cup of coffee.
Also has to be kind easy going and willing to put up with some of my quirkiness.

Meet someone special from Chateauguay, Canada. As an awesome person with a big heart looking. For a serious person who wants too go forward in life really not in to bull and mind games no drugs allowed not really into bars but nothing better than a good meal open minded personality and lots to give.

Date single man from Chateauguay, Canada. I'm hot, sexy love to party and dance. Can't wait to meet for long conversations and dancing.
I'm comfortable, drive a nice car, and work part time.
I wear nice clothes and look like your dream man. Pretty big in the pants too.