Date men from Canada / Quebec / Longueuil, 39 year old

Date a man from Longueuil, Canada. nice woman beautiful
understand man character
living in Canada
likes sport and swimming
nice woman beautiful
understand man character
living in Canada
likes sport and swimming
cooking playing tennis

Meet someone special from Longueuil, Canada. I am a good looking Man. Professionnal who works in sales. I am university educated. I do a lot of sports like hockey ski tennis baseball hicking outdoors activities but i m not looking for an athlete. I am looking for a Nice and intelligent woman for occassional dating like restos lounge coffee. I traveled all over USA and Canada but also in Europe and south America.

Date single man from Longueuil, Canada. I thought I would give this a try. I do admit that I'm not quite sure of the idea of meeting people online but I guess it's like reading a book. If you only look at the cover then you'll probably would not know how the story will start and most likely will not know how the story will end.
So let's see how this begins and where it will eventually lead to. My expectations of all this? I'm hoping to meet someone with a great sense of humor, with a zest for life and to have interesting conversations with. Maybe, we'll start of as friends and who knows if that will lead to something more special. I guess there has to be a beginning to everything. N'est-ce pas?
Now, a liitle bit about me. I do have a bit of the old-school mentality in that a man should always open the door and pulling out the chair for her. I also like to show her my affections in my own special ways. Now, I can't tell you all the details right now. That would simply take all the fun out of everything when the right time comes. Does that make me somewhat a romantic and a believer of gallantry? I have to let you be the judge of that. If you love to smile, especially if you're smiling with your eyes, then you've hit my soft spot. Well, that's a bit about me. As for the rest, well then, if chemistry is there and timing is right, then I would say that it could be an interesting and fun journey of learning and discovering about each other.
So, drop me line if you would like to get to know more about me and maybe we could take it from there.
Thanks for dropping by! Until then........................