Date men from Canada / Quebec / Cote-Saint-Luc, 42 year old

Date a man from Cote-Saint-Luc, Canada. I'm a motivated , stand up guy that will do anything to make the RIGHT woman happy.
Honesty and integrity are most important, to myself.
I enjoy dinners out. I love listening to what's on a woman's mind and really understanding what it is that makes her happy.

Meet a soulmate from Cote-Saint-Luc, Canada. :
I think honesty is the best quality that someone can possess. I am looking for an easy going person, someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. A person who enjoys life fully. That person also had to know when it's time to take things seriously. I can't forget, someone that have a high self-esteem of himself.

Date someone special from Cote-Saint-Luc, Canada. Without sounding like a walking clich?,
I'm looking for what we are looking for.
Someone we can connect with on a few levels,
share things with and grow with.
Who am I? Good question....
Open minded, self driven, independent man.
I know what I want out of life & it would be fun to share it with you