Date men from Canada / Quebec / Saint-Lazare, 42 year old

Date someone special from Quebec, Canada. Complete and utter comfort. I can be myself around you without feeling judged. You can sit in your room working while I do a crossword and I'm entirely content. I only have eyes for you, you only have eyes for me and we communicate this verbally, physically and often. Down and dirty sex and warm and comforting cuddling are ever present. Fights are rare and when we do get into it, we don't stop talking until we've reached some sort of peace. Unparalleled companionship, unprecedented generosity and unconditional love grant us the foundation for a lasting long-term relationship.
I smile when I think of you. I walk down St-Catherine Street and I want to buy you a $400 purse that you pointed out but would never get for yourself. You put up with my mom. (She means well; really, she does!) You fawn over me, cook me dinner, massage me before bed and have a highly developed sense of sarcasm. I think it's cute when you snort as you laugh. You make fun of me when I can't leave the house without forgetting my cell phone. You act younger than you look because I like mature women who haven't forgotten what it's like to be a girl.
I'd rather be a guy who has big dreams and no money than a guy with no dreams and big money. I must admit, I'm-not-going-to-treat-you-like-crap kind of guy, but someone who's going to push you to your limits and then pull back with a warm hug at the last minute. Truth is, I'm just a nice guy (most of the time) who's looking for some fun and companionship (not necessarily in that order). I love a funny woman who can hold me spellbound with a story or make me laugh until I cry. I also love creativity and passion. Maybe it's your love of '80s movies, your shoe collection or the fact that you moved across country with only a duffel bag -- it doesn't matter. The right woman not only fascinates me but also brings out the best in me. We push each other to be the greatest people we can be. We bolster each other's egos and we leave short, thoughtful love messages for each other when we're away on business trips. If you're comfortable in your own skin, have a strong sense of self and aren't afraid to expose your flaws, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. But I will say that if you've got blue eyes, are a Habs fan or a part-time singer I'm already melting.
Once you get past the self-deprecating humor, you will soon learn that I'm a raging egomaniac. Nah, that's not true, either. How do you just say that you're a nice, successful guy looking to share his life with his future soul mate? I guess that would do it. I'm excited to meet some good people on here. Friendship is not at all out of the question. It's welcomed. My business isn't glamorous -- I own my own Promo - Company -- but it is lucrative, and I love the challenge of running my own company. I'm not married to my work, I found time for tae kwon do (yes, nice guys can kick ass!), classic movies (you MUST see Sunset Boulevard and The Philadelphia Story if you haven't yet) and the occasional fishing excursion (nothing like a little time alone to recharge your batteries). I look forward to taking some chances and seeing who's out there.
Laughing is essential. Perfection is impossible. Better to be single than to be in a bad relationship. If it's worth it, I'll work for it; if it's not, I won't. Don't say anything you'll regret because you can't take it back. Finally, you must expose yourself emotionally -- it's the only way to reap love's greatest rewards.