Date women from Canada / Quebec / Mont-Royal, 30 year old

Date a soulmate from Quebec, Canada. Love: Honesty, cooking, taking pictures, going out with friends, travels, chocolate ....
- Hate: lies, fast-food, sad people, grumpiness, injustice, bad drivers....
- Music: various, but hard rock and rap (some are ok)
- Movies: any but horror
- Food: Hum....depends on the mood, but I am a fantastic cook! (at least I would like to think so)
- Style: Traditional, but definitely up with the times
The rest you will have to find out :)
Looking for: Man
•Over30, under 45
•Healthy Lifestyle – (I am not a fitness nut but go to the gym frequently and try to be healthy) - No smokers, sorry!
•Responsible, normal, has a job
•Intelligent: unfortunately the looks will go eventually, and that is nothing worse than share your time with someone you can’t talk to, or have nothing in common.
Bonus points: If you are up to letting me practice my French would be fantastic!
I am not into:
- Intimate encounters
- Married man (or any man already in a commitment)
- No drugs
- Weirdness of any sort
- Religious talks

Meet a woman from Quebec, Canada. I am someone who is outgoing, passionate about my field of work, my family and friends are very important to me and I love to discover different parts of the world. Here is my pitch in 200 words, if you wanna know more, we'll just have to chat :)