Date men from Canada / Manitoba / Winnipeg, 37 year old

Date someone special from Winnipeg, Canada. I'm a pretty straight forward kind of guy, who is a little old fashion and has a very solid value system. I don't often let my emotions dictate my actions, but rather use my values to guide me.
I am extremely open, honest, fiercely loyal, and act with integrity at all times. If I make a promise to you, I'll never break it. My promise is my word, it's who I am. I've never ever broken one to date, and won't ever period.
I am somewhat shy at first, but open up quickly and have a decent sense of humor (or at least I like to think I do).
If you haven't noticed already, I can come across as being serious at times, but I'm extremely playful at heart. If we wind up in a closet down the road getting changed, and somehow the lights get turned off, there might be some shenanigans that follow while I "search" for the light switch :o)
Family is hugely important to me, and I pride myself on being able to provide and protect my little family, including any pets as I feel they deserve an equal place..
Communication is so important to a great relationship. I can't read minds ( no really I can't :O) ), and ask that you to talk to me when something isn't right. I love having great conversations in the mornings on the weekend over a good cup of coffee, or in the evenings over a nice glass of wine. I love making nice breakfasts on the weekends, and love to cook healthy meals in general. That being said, I'm a better at baking than cooking.
I'm a pretty optimistic guy, who doesn't always understand why bad things happen to good people, but try to look for the positive in every situation. I love giving, and taking care of the woman I love, which I do though both my words and actions (including nice back massages) :O)
I'm looking to meet that special someone, who is open, honest, faithful/loyal, wants to settle down, get married, start a family, and enjoy the rest of our lives together. Too much to ask for?
I am looking for someone who is equally as committed to our relationship, enjoys all of the good times to their fullest, but works really hard through any difficult ones.
I don't really care if you like the same type(s) of music as I probably won't use your mp3 player, and don't really see why it's important. Perhaps it would make road trips easier, but even then I'd prefer chatting and having some laughs together while we drive. I can listen to music when I'm in the car alone.
If you like what you read, send me a message and let's see where things go.

Meet a soulmate from Winnipeg, Canada. I am still trying to figure out this whole online dating thing. I guess I come from a day when two people meet in person, talk, laugh, and exchange phone numbers. Today is profiles, text messages, and god who knows.
I am a single father of two boys who I have half time. They are my life and what I live for. We have been through a lot as a family. So obviously I am looking for a "kid" friendly match.
I work in a management position with a company that I have been employed with for over 17 years. It is my career and I enjoy the work I do.
I enjoy my dog. He is a lab and is almost 2 years old. I enjoy travel and have been all over the world. I play hockey and golf very poorly.
I'll update more soon.

Date single man from Winnipeg, Canada. i am easy going, hard working, passionate,romantic yet wild in the bedroom. I like to spend romantic evenings with someone special to me, yet adventerous and like to hike and camp out for a few days, maybe canoeing and fishing.

Meet a man from Winnipeg, Canada. good person. We live in a world in which basic values such as kindness and compassion are not often given the importance they are due. In the media, selfish and arrogant behavior patterns are often glorified. It is also common for people to get so caught up in day-to-day responsibilities and personal insecurities, that they lose sight of their goals for personal development. Recovering your sense of integrity, or goodness, begins with identifying your personal values. Goodness is the first step to success and happiness. We can often turn to religion for guidance, but ultimately we should learn to define our own morals ourselves. One of the simplest ways to do so is to love others, and treat them as you would like to be treated. Try to think of others before yourself. Even doing small things on a daily basis will greatly enrich and improve your life, and the lives of others around you. To be a good person is not easy.

Date someone special from Manitoba, Canada. I have come to stand in my life after putting a good struggle . I am greatful to the God for providing me strength .I have good friendship circle . looking a affectionate and strong durable relationship .

Meet a soulmate from Manitoba, Canada. hope that the charteristics that you seek the most in a future partner you will find in me.To me, love should be perfect, passionate, more important than anything else in life. When I'm in love, it's enough to be quietly sure that I feel good about my partner and that he feels good about me. I see infidelity as a total betrayal. I believe in open relationships.I generally prefer to be in a calming atmosphere - whether that's at home or outside.

Date single man from Manitoba, Canada. I'm looking for an intelligent, attractive, honest woman with a good sense of humour. I live outside of the city and work inside the city so I have the best of both worlds. Drop me a line if you would like to know more.

Meet a man from Manitoba, Canada. I am a fun person who loves life and is looking for a similar woman to share my life with. I was married once and have 2 beautiful girls from that marriage so I have no regrets. I am looking for a woman who fulfills and completes me, so I am looking for my soulmate. She can have a child or not, but needs to be able to accept that I have kids that I love and that there is plenty of room for me to love her as well.
I am an Invesment professional, I am tall and in good shape and earn a good income. I am fun, funny and easy going. I like people and like to be friends with everyone as long as they are good, decent people. I am confident and feel I have a lot to offer a woman.
I am looking for a smart, attractive woman who likes to stay in shape and cares about her appearance. I like someone who dresses well, knows fashion, but does not have to own every designer brand out there. I like people who are real people and are not trying to pretend they are someone they are not.
I am generally attracted to someone with longer hair with a bit of a tan. I like someone who is fit but not too skinny, I like some shape and curves as well. I like to laugh and have a great time and go out. I am looking for a woman who also likes to laugh and have fun.

Date someone special from Canada. Truth is I have no expectations. I am not looking for anything specific. If you love to just sit and have coffee and make a new friend, hit the town for fun or head to dinner and a movie all sounds good. I truly believe there is a time for everything.
I wish I could say I was unique, but the truth is I am human. I have good days and bad days and most inbetween. I make dumb descisions and smart ones (We will see which one this is). All in all I am pretty normal.
I love all types of music, though I like most types more than country and rap.
Thank you,

Meet a soulmate from Canada. I’ve lived life long* enough on the sidelines. Time to get out there and score. And no, I don’t mean that in the way you were just thinking. Is that ALL you women think about? KIDDING
The strong silent type, mixed with a bit of daredevil, a hint of shyness and fiercely loyal to those I love. Thoughtful, understanding, caring and most who know me would say I’m funny, just not sure if they mean “haha” funny or “hmmm” funny
I want to experience new things, even if they’re not new to you. I’ll try anything once. For example, went skydiving one time because it was Saturday, and I needed to kill a few hours. Love to hold hands and go for a walk. Chivalry is not dead in my opinion. A little kindness goes a long way.
There is lots more I can say but we will save that for our first meet cute**.
*editors note** - Hurray for alliteration! Mrs. DerKatz, my 4th grade teacher would be so proud of me for remembering what alliteration is.
** 2nd editors note – A meet-cute is a situation in which a future romantic couple meets for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing.

Date single man from Canada. easy going
spontanious. Love the outdoors, beach, water and sports.
fist time user, looking to see what comes up with. looking for fun energetic individual with same interests. Can't think of anything else to write down, but promise to provide more details upon request.

Meet a man from Canada. My name is Mike and I'm a 37 year old self-employed small business owner. I am 6ft tall, have blue eyes and nooooo hair. Yup. none. I have tattoos and piercings but I can clean up well in a suit. I find that work takes up most of my play time and it's difficult to get out there sometimes and meet that special lady. My interests are varied and diverse, but include cooking, hunting, fishing, boating and almost anything outside in the summer. I also play a bunch of different instruments, but the main two are harmonica and the drums. 20 years of playing the harmonica, but I haven't learned all there is to it! I've almost given up hope on the ukelele, though. (stupid ukelele!) I work out pretty regularly and try to run at least 12 miles a week. I can appreciate the healthy outlook to life, but we should all cheat on our diets once and a while. I am also the farthest thing from a vegetarian, so if me killing, skinning, cutting, and cooking my hunted animals offends your morality...I don't need to hear it. But I can understand your opninion. I've learned how to play golf recently and though I'm not very good, I still enjoy it. I've been renovating my house for the past few years, and although I've done tons, it seems there's always something else to do next. I also dabble in special effects makeup and prostetics and have been known to paint a kids' face or two while twisting balloons dressed like a clown. If you've never seen 40 kids running around a rural picnic all painted up like the members of KISS you just don't know what funny is! My dog is my kid for the time being, and he's my favorite person....hands, I mean, paws down.
I'm looking for a woman who has her own brand of special radiant humor and style. And I guess a sort of "partner in crime" and someone who values loyalty and honsety above all. I also appreciate an outgoing personality, but if you're shy at first, that's okay too. Good luck to us all

. this is a short way to describe the kind of person i am and the kind that i hope i can find that will like me .I'm in my mid 40s slightly over weight.verry fun to be with ,like to go out on the town or camping .I'm hoping that i can find someone in there early to mid 30s that might fave some of the same interests i have . Someone that might be a little tall a little slim to a little over weight. I'm hoping that i can start a relationship with someone.And that after this person can get to know me and see past any falts i might bhave that we can go from there .

. Hello ladies, I'm Daniel. I'm a sometimes outgoing, very bright guy that has a lot to say. I have two university degrees, I studied HistoryAsian Studies and most recently completed my degree in Political Studies. I love learning, reading and keeping up to date on world events. I'm a self-proclaimed nerd, geek, what-have-you and I have many hobbies that range from photography, astronomy and boardgames to more physical pursuits like running and hikinggeocaching. I enjoy languages, I learned to speak Mandarin and Russian at university and am currently learning French. If you speak French, this would be an added bonus!
What am I looking for? well, I want a woman that delivers the full package. I'd like someone fit, pretty, well-educated and possessed of a great sense of humor. I also would like someone affectionate and communicative.
So what do I bring to the table? First off, I've never been married and have no children. Next, i'm funny, smart, romantic and honest. It's hard to be funny on here, but my humor can be clever but sometimes juvenille. I've had an interesting life, and come with some pretty crazy stories which i'm great at telling. Well, I'll leave the rest for you to discover should you want to. If you read all this, I'm very impressed! come say hi!

. Im an easy going guy. I like the outdoors and adventure. I am grateful for many thing in my life including my family. Do you like the beach and long walks in the park? Things I like to do for fun are golfing, biking, movies, quadding.
I am really up for anything and new to online dating. My main goal is to meet some new people and have some new friends. If we hit it off great! I am all about being positive.