Date men from Canada / Manitoba / Winnipeg, 45 year old

Date a soulmate from Manitoba, Canada. I am a loyal man in my mid 40's who is in shape. I am grateful for my two beautiful daughters and I respect their Mother. I am hoping to attract a sincere, funloving woman to spend my life with. I am a family man and enjoy spending time in social gatherings once in a while. I love to play hockey, baseball and golf.

Meet a man from Manitoba, Canada. I am a stable, independent, drama-free guy who enjoys life in every way. Although I am happy and content by myself, and life is full and very good, it would also be nice to share life's experiences with someone special. I try not to take things too seriously and am very able to laugh at myself (often, I have to…).
In an ideal world, you are happy with who you are, or at least where you are going. You enjoy family activities, the outdoors and are open to trying new things. Diversity is good so I’ll stop there and look forward to whatever else you have to offer.
I have two awesome kids, 9 and 12 that live with me half of the time. I take this responsibility seriously (I am an awesome daddy!) and we have great adventures together. I don't mix kids and dating (at least not early) but they are very much a part of me so if you dislike kids we probably wouldn’t be compatible.
My work is scientific in nature and somewhat esoteric and I would wear-out my keyboard, should I try to explain it here. My main function is electronics but I do a variety of things that keep the work interesting. I also get to be Santa at the kids' Christmas party :-)
I enjoy hiking, canoeing, or anything else involving the outdoors (ok, maybe not hunting) or a new travel destination. I'm kind of adventurous, and kind of not. I've never wanted to go skydiving or bungee jumping, but have done several multi-week road trips with just my kids and I. Even with the occasional disaster its always been fun and we're definitely going to go again! I've also imagined a retirement of traveling the continent in a motorhome or something crazy like that, but that is for when I get bored of working and I don't see that happening for a while...

Date single man from Manitoba, Canada. I would like some-one to spend time with, get to know this person and their likes and dis-likes...I don't like the bar scene, would rather watch a movie or relax beside a bonfire with a glass of wine or a beer or three!

Meet someone special from Manitoba, Canada. Caring, fun, shy, sensitive, outgoing male looking for someone to just do things with.
I like campfires, fishing, camping, swimming, yard work, gardens, puttering around the yard, like to build decks, fences, handyman kinda stuff. Going to movies, carnivals, drives in the country.

Date a soulmate from Canada. Good day
Looking for a woman who has there life in order, is ready to date and ready for a journey.
Hoping to find a great outgong woman to spend quality time with, dinners, movies, sporting events and especially cooking with one another. Hopefully you like walks and dogs.

Meet a man from Canada. A big man (tall), loving and caring. Lived many years overseas. Love to travel, animals and nature, especially in Africa. interested in science and research. I like working with wood and painting. Been called a prairie gentleman.

Date single man from Canada. Looking for a woman that has her head on straight, knows herself and what she wants. Honesty and reliability come natural to you, and monogamy is what you seek.
I am a self employed guy that has reached a point in life where I can do the things in life I choose, whether it's travel, dining out, etc. Would love to have someone to share that with.
I love to cook, love music and play a bit myself, have a great family and consider myself a great dad to my kids (both over 18). I am someone that you would want on your side in hard times, having learned what it's like to go through them myself.
Caveat: my pics are from a photoshoot in Mexico on the beach, I'm usually the one behind the camera so they are pretty much my only pics. I do own clothes and wear them regularly :)

Meet someone special from Canada. I am a father or 2 beautiful young ladys and a son they are my joy. I enjoy to go out for dinner and a movie but also love to just stay at home and cook an amazing dinner and cuddle up and watch tv or a movie. I am hoping to attract someone that enjoys the same interest but also can make me smile. I love to entertain my friends and family they mean a lot in my life . A couple thinks I'm looking for in a person is outgoing loves a challange but also loves to relax.

Date a soulmate from Winnipeg, Canada. My seventeen year old son lives with me, he is a great kid, and I have a good job that I almost enjoy :)
I like to spend most weekends at the lake
I am looking for someone to share life with.................

Meet a man from Winnipeg, Canada. Looking for Average working class women, middle aged, mature. Smart and intellectual definitely, not a TV movie star buff. I work in the aerospace industry and im proud of what I did to get there. I moved to the city to start a new life after my old one in a small town became unbearable. I enjoy going out because it helps me to know there are other pople relaxing after a long week of work
I have 2 older brothers and one younger sister. Im not married and dont have kids because the males outnumbered the females two to one in our area and no women wanted to move to a small town with one store, one bar.
I plan to travel around the world with my honey. whos looking out her kitchen window waiting for me to appear in the horizon. I also stay out of trouble and have no criminal record, lifes about fun and the pursuit of fun after work. I am a social drinker however I keep it well away from work. So dial me up darlin! and yes I do all house chores regularly, love carpentry/woodworking and outside work. I grew up with christian values thanks to my folks.
Ive been described as ruggedly handsome, solid thanks to my years in a sawmill. im shy and dont hit on women, not a good cook though which is why I prefer to eat out at restaurants. I work midnights so my days are upside down. I plan on saving money to travel , my living expenses are very minimal. If youre the one then you will be almost as tall as me, average build , everything else will work out as we explore the world.

Date single man from Winnipeg, Canada. I am a fun loving and very humorous guy.Looking for the same. I work to live ,but enjoy my job very much.Been at it for more than 20 years.It has taken me all over this great country and then some.
To relax and enjoy my time off,I like to spend time with friends and family..I have a secret past time..Karaoke..Get together with friends and belt out old favs..Or slaughter them..You would have to decide.

Meet someone special from Winnipeg, Canada. I am a person balanced, rational, fexible whith a good education. I know to respect every one. I can stay whith a weak, wealthy, poor person but for me the first thing is to be able to love that person with a true charity.

. I am an easy going guy who is looking for the same in a lady. No time or patience for shallow minds or drama queens. Just a normal,level headed and selfless woman would be a nice change. I have strong morals and a high regard for honest people. Love,trust and communication and respect for one another are definate requirements. I also love a woman with a great smile and sense of humor! Classy women are very attractive to me.

. Well what to say? Work full time, like live bands but not necassarily the bar scenes. Enjoy the outdoors, summer and winter but mostly summer. Like to camp, walk in parks and on camp trails. Looking for someone kinda layed back and take each day as it comes

. I am honest and,caring a little shy at the beginning when meeting someone new.I usually have a smile on my face and am easy going.I like to treat people with respect and hope for the same in return. I enjoy being at the gym but love running,I like to hold hands and cuddle i guess you could say i am kind of a romantic. I love being outside in the summer and and will do much more being with that special someone.