Date men from Canada / Manitoba / Winnipeg, 46 year old

Date single man from Winnipeg, Canada. AT my work a coworker told me one day I was the total package ! I feel like a millions dollars that day ! I will like to say to somebody also one day.
My sentimental life right now is empty but I keep myself busy .I do sport and go at the gym,I like taking some picture I love cooking and explore new restaurant.
I like challenging myself ,but I take calculate my risk. I like helping my coworker when are boss are in a trip power.I do not accept the abuse at work place.
I love following the actuality .
I am looking for a girl who will support me and I will do the same. It is very important for me to have that kind off relation.

Meet a soulmate from Winnipeg, Canada. Looking for friendship. I have a great job, and work alot, but when I don't, I love my quiet time, but I also like my play time. I love to travel, even if it's just flying to Vegas for the weekend. I like the walks, dinners, movies, you know, quality times I call them. My moto has always been " You Only Live Once" so when I look back, I can certainly say, I've made the most of it, and enjoyed it! So if you like quiet time and play time, let me know.

Date a man from Winnipeg, Canada. Been alone and realize that is not the way a person should live a life. Not sure if I'm ready for this but I have promised that I will try. Not even sure what I am looking for. Open to ideas and suggestions.

Meet someone special from Winnipeg, Canada. need nice relationship to share ideas for better life. closest friends founds me honest and respectful. smiled people makes me smile. I would be proud of helping others. A person with Love, respect, trust attracts me.I am cooperative and get along with others peacefully.A new meaningful joke make me laugh. Looking forward a nice relationship with love, respect, trust. good luck.

Date single man from Manitoba, Canada. Recently single. Won't settle. I work hard to enjoy my playtime. Intelligent, need someone likewise. Playful, also need someone to rock my world as I certainly will rock yours. Romantic, no way around it. Down to earth. Sensible and grounded.

Meet a soulmate from Manitoba, Canada. Hey. I am new here gonna give this a try...I am ill right now and have been for quite a while(nothing to serious) just persistant. So i am here looking for an occassional, date and make social contacts. Looking for a date or two nothing too serious until I regain my health and maybe we can go from there.

Date a man from Manitoba, Canada. Hi!!
I love hanging out and being involved with my two wonderful children; they make me proud.
I enjoy running and workout ~ 3-4 times/week, and bike when time permits.
Other interests include staying connected with close friends, going to beaches/lakes for swimming and boating, following the Jets (what a great boost to the city), dining out, travelling, and yard care.
In the evenings, I like to enjoy live music / attend concerts or occasionally relax on my deck.
I am looking for a fun, good-hearted woman who is attractive, affectionate, young at heart, intelligent, lives a reasonably healthy lifestyle, loves children, communicates effectively, and minimizes drama - a positive and emotionally healthy person who values honesty, loyalty, and respect. I expect similar from me.
Separated for more than 3 yrs (since early 2009), formal divorce in processing.
Looking forward to finding the right partner!!

Meet someone special from Manitoba, Canada. Hi everyone
Are you looking for someone exciting?fun?
Then if you enjoy the outdoors,we could be a match.
My hobbies include camping,boating or fishing,quading,wing night at smitties,sitting on a patio,bonfires,home reno's and much much more.
Not into drama,arguing and fake people,i'm easy going and layed back.
I'm not lazy and i try and keep busy as much as i can,but do enjoy a few lazy days to watch a movie or just relax.
I enjoy shopping in the states and buy as much as i can there,either online or weekend get aways.
I enjoy most music,i'm funny,sometimes sarcastic,very witty and i love to laugh or make others laugh.
Hoping to find a sole mate,
if you want to know more then i guess we will have to chat.
Thanks for looking and good luck in your search!

Date single man from Canada. I enjoy sports and sporting events, meeting people, new experiences, travel, and having lots of laughs. I am a very thoughtful and respectful person with a great sense of humour. I am very grateful for my family and my current circle of friends.

Meet a soulmate from Canada. The woman I hope to meet is attractive, intelligent, friendly and understanding.I would like someone whom I feel is my equal and can challenge me in different ways.Also someone who is a good communicator and enjoys the exchange of ideas.Someone who has an awareness beyond her immediate surroundings and is connected with the broader picture of what is happening in the world.

Date a man from Canada. I am Content but missing that special someone to share with. I am honest but not rude. I like cuddly but not clingy.I like silly humour but not silly people. I like to make people smile rather than frown. I like to listen rather than babble.

Meet someone special from Canada. love sports ,hockey would be my favorite ,allso like being active doing something ,useally ., allso have a passion for building cars and working with my hands...going to the beach of fishing with my friend or boys is allway a blast

. Friends know me as an easy going, honest, considerate and loyal person. I am most proud of my two children and strive to be a great father. In romantic relationships I am trusting, caring and affectionate. I'd love to find a woman with similar qualities to have fun with and find out what the future holds in store!
I enjoy nature and spending time in the outdoors. I love taking photos and often have fun capturing something unique. I enjoy quite walks, watching movies and Jets games, listening to music, visiting family and going out to restaurants. I like exploring and learning about our great city and country. I love all animals and learning about them. I stay active and like ice skating, rollerblading and cycling. I hope to meet an energetic and outgoing woman to share my interests with and hopefully learn a few things from.
I am most attracted to women who share my love of life and sense of humor. I enjoy being around fun and positive people. I am open to trying new things so I hope to meet someone who is at once grounded and responsible but also adventurous and fun-loving.
At the end of the day I am looking for a partner and best friend – someone to share my dreams with and find comfort in who will enjoy finding the same in me. If you are ready for something fun and genuine, I hope you contact me. I'd love to talk and find out if we have that elusive “chemistry”.
Please share a photo for communication.
Thanks for reading my profile and Good Luck to you in your search for a partner.
Have a great day!

. I'm an honest happy go lucky person looking for someone to enjoy life with. They have to be honest caring and like to laugh. She would have to like my daughter who is 6 yrs old as well as be kind to her as she is my life.

. About Me I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row. I can cook thirty-minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I'm bored, I enjoy urban hang gliding and hurling tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. Children and dogs trust me. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. The laws of physics do not apply to me. I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down.
Women thrill me, disappoint me, infuriate me, send me into a tizzy...but in the end, that first soft gentle kiss on their lips sends me back again and again.... I'm looking for a real woman, someone sophisticated, independent with a wild side that needs to be tamed, I've realized what I want; a professional well established woman. More importantly, that special someone who lets sparks fly in and out of the bedroom. If you can't carry a stimulating conversation about art, history, experiences, life, mundane ramblings that have a funny ending, than chances are I'm not interested and neither are you. Fair warning: you have to know more than celebrity gossip, the stock market or astral biospheres, subjects wihich will enitce me initially, but let's be honest...there is more to life than the Kardashians, Jersey Shores, the State of the global economy or landing on Mars - All of which, in the end will self-implode. To get me to fall and keep on falling you either have to thrill me with your naivety and brilliance or dumbfound me with your slick talk....