Date women from Canada / Ontario / Beamsville, 45 year old

Date someone special from Beamsville, Canada. I'm looking for someone to share life's experiences with, the good and the bad. Someone to have fun with whether at home watching tv or out with friends. Ideally someone into the geeky things I enjoy like dressing up for Halloween, getting Star Trek toys for Christmas (you should see my iPhone case/communicator).
I like speaking with people who speak well, not in a stuck-up way, but at least using proper grammer and good word usage. I'm so proud of my children when they use words correctly that most kids their age wouldn't even have heard.
I really enjoy the company of my kids and my parents. My kids are old enough that they don't need all my time as they used to, however they seem to like spending time with me and their grandparents.
I embrace the fact that I my sense of humor is a little out there. I enjoy letting my geek out.