Date men from Canada / Ontario / Brampton, 71 year old

Date a soulmate from Brampton, Canada. music --- ex. pro. player --- got smart --- decided to get a "regular' job" the past 40 years --- love investing - more wins than losses - 2008 got a little scary , but intrinsic value " will out " .
Truth is , I,m a " type A " Scorpio - rather die than lie - a real " softie " inside - I wear my heart on my sleeve and my honesty will scare you --- so do not contact me unless you believe something similar to " truth and beauty are the most important things in life ".
This past year has seen me " bend ' a little --- finally having to admit a wife of 48 years into LTC - late stage Alzheimers - she is in the best place money can buy --- and now I have to live again - with the blessing of my son and daughter --- so here I am --- a " young ' 71 year old , looking forward to the next " 71 " LOL ! Got a " killer " sense of humour ? most of the time --- gotta laugh at life --- love the good people on this planet - wish the others where on another .

Have a great day , Ian.
ps --- oops , " typo " -- all 71,s should read 17 !

Meet single man from Brampton, Canada. I would hope we could share an interest in nature study, particularly wildflowers, birds, gardening and camping. These interests keep my mind and body active and provide an excuse to be out in the infinite beauty of nature. Sharing this time in nature can be a healthy bonding experience.