Date men and women from Canada / Alberta, 28 year old - page 11

Date people from Alberta, Canada. Looking to meet that special someone... I loves to spend lots of time outside and I also likes taking trips!!if u like to know more about me send me a message...I also loves all different kind of music and loves go out for dinner and few drinks!!!! I move here from Newfie 2 years ago and I m loving it do far!!!

Meet single boy from Alberta, Canada. I m a very outgoing person and loves to travl and be site seeing!!! I like be able cfind that special person u almost loves traveling and doing different things in to no more just send me a message :)

Date a soulmate from Alberta, Canada. When I was a young boy in school, I learned a lesson in self confidence which I never forgot.
I was called upon to recite in front of the class. I hardly begun when the teacher interrupted with an emphatic, “No!” I started over and again the teacher thundered, “No!” Humiliated, I sat down.
The next boy rose to recite and had just begun when the teacher shouted, “No!” This student, however, kept on with the recitation until I completed it. As I sat down, the teacher replied, “Very good!”

Meet a boy from Alberta, Canada. Hi my name is Darren. I probably won't message you first since that doesn't seem to work at all on here. If i'm interested i'll wink at you or favorite you. I am self-motivated and I like to get out outside to have fun, doing things like camping, skiing, rollerblading, walking, playing catch...etc. I'm a big picture thinker so I do plan for the future and i've decided to use realestate investing as my vehicle to accelerate me into retirement as well as pay for my future kids education. I have a strong belief it is important to always learn/grow as a person and live a healthy lifestyle filled with staying fit, eating healthy, and having fun. Family and friends are very important to me and i'm very close with my family. I'm a little bit of a natural at sports and I enjoy teaching others about anything I know if they are willing and able to learn...that will include my kids some day when I get to play dad the hero!
I can be really chatty at times, and at other times quiet. I play golf, paintball, hockey, and badminton...I also like bowling. At the end of the day I enjoy cuddling up under a blanket on the couch with some hot tea watching a season of a show we both like or a movie. Big Bang Theory is one of my current favorites as it always gets me laughing! Therefore it should go without saying that I am a geek with a geek like sense of humor, good humor, and down to earth! I think a lot and I sometimes over analyze things. I'm a nice guy, the kind that makes women think I have an alterior motive, that is until they get to know me. I've had my heart broken and I've broken others hearts. Being on both sides has taught me to take things a little slow while we take the time to put down a proper foundation for a life long relationship, or a maybe a friendship. Why? Because I always feel terrible for hurting a womans heart...must be an integrity thing combined with the fact that even if things don't work out, i'm still interested you as a person.
The biggest thing i'm looking for in a woman is a partner/teammate in life! Gets me out of my comfort zone a bit. I've always migrated towards women who are bubbly, positive, and goofy since I thrive in that kind of presence, not to mention how much more fun flirting is then! Someone who I can work with when investing or dealing with whatever life throws our way, and they themselves enjoy being my teammate in these ventures. A woman who is capable of entertaining herself, has good conversational skills, a deep heart/loyalty so I can love them like the notebook type of love. I don't generally fall in love easily but when I do fall in love, I'm all in. I'm looking for the right chemistry!
I hope none of what I said sounds intimidating at all, i'm really quite approachable and non-judgemental. The above is just a little bit about me, not everything about me. If I don't find that special someone on here then I hope I atleast leave here with a few new friends to hang out with...besides you never know, maybe my friend is your special somebody or vica versa.
Thats all for now. :-)

Date men and women from Alberta, Canada. Looking for a good girl to spend time with and share life's beautiful experiences with. I'm super close with my family and love spending time with my brother and his new wife. I'm in the middle of 3 kids, older bro younger sis. Not a huge gym guy but keep in decent shape year round playin sports and occasionally exercising for the sake of exercising ;) Looks like its time to wind down so hopefully match can help me do just that. It would be great to meet a girl who is at the same stage in life.
If nothing else am I allowed to use this site to recruit girls to play on my slo-pitch team?? We are always short!!! Jk

Meet a guy from Alberta, Canada. I'm naturally curious about the world around me and like to experience new things, high on my list is competing in a triathlon. I'm an avid skier and to feed my addiction during my poor student phase I started to volunteer as a ski patroller, this turned out to be awesome as I like helping people and who can say no to free skiing? I've had a lot of good opportunities to explore the planet, both alone and with some really good friends and I like getting other peoples perspective on the world.
I may be shy at first but once I open up I have a pretty keen sense of humor. It's hard to say what makes me laugh but often times I end up laughing at myself, it's good to continually have your own source of comic relief. My closest friends would say that I'm kind and always willing to give myself to help someone. I'm very close to my family and I'd like to find someone who's close to hers.
I'm kind of a nerd, but that comes with being an engineer I suppose. I absolutely love being an engineer and really am really lucky to be able to combine my career and hobbies by developing fitness sensors. I love playing board games with my friends but I'm equally at home outdoors, whether it be skiing, biking, hiking or camping.
I'm looking for a girl who's passionate about whatever it is she's doing. I want a partner in crime who can laugh with me when everything goes right (or sideways?) and cry together when it all goes wrong but always knows that we have each other. I generally lead a pretty active lifestyle and would like to share that with her but lazy days off are equally important and it's just nice to hang out at home and chat about nothing and everything.

Date someone special from Alberta, Canada. Hi don't really know what to say! New to this I am looking for a real relationship! My friends would say I'm kind generous and have a great sense of humor. I like to be out and about most of the time, that doesn't mean I don't wanna hang out at home and watch movies or tv and just relax. In the winter I like to snowmobile and play hockey in a beer league. In the summer I like to hike, fish or just see the sites! I want to meet new people and maybe that someone!

Meet people from Canada. I'd like to meet someone who is a best friend first. It would be nice to get to know someone who is considerate, compassionate, confident and intelligent in some way.
I'm a libertarian at heart and believe strongly in personal freedom. I would describe myself as easy going, calm, rational and accepting. I tend to get along with people who have a sarcastic sense of humor and competitive spirit. I enjoy camping, fishing, hiking, music and good food. I place a lot of value on learning from good writers. I often think about human nature, social justice, political structures, evolution, economics, and psychology. One day I would like to do for others what my favorite authors have done for me and publish meaningful written work.

Date single boy from Canada. I am a person who holds true to the truth. I don't give in to lies and not one to be a push over. I am a mans man. I find manly things fun. I am not one to lie to anyone nor cheat. Everyone deserves a chance and a second chance. I am not one to be 100 % fit and take more care in my body then anything else I do. Life is way more about then how one looks. It is about relationships and that is what I try to guide my life along. I do have quirks, strengths and weaknesses.

Meet a soulmate from Canada. I am an active, adventurous person who loves a challenge and loves to discover new things. I have a passion for cooking and I love to eat, but you wouldn't guess it by my size.
There is so much world to discover and I would love to see it all. I travel as often as I can, but I have never stayed at a resort or done the "tourist thing." When I was 19 in Paris, I left my family and walked the streets alone armed only with a few euros and a third grade level of french language training. It was amazing!
Over the past few years, I have learned first hand that success is defined differently by every person. To me, success is a feeling of satisfaction you can find within yourself. I once thought it was money, like so many people do, but the pursuit for monetary gains left me feeling empty and unsatisfied.
I am looking for some friends, a good time, a great story, and an amazing adventure.

Date a boy from Canada. -I think beauty is common. You have no control over it. But what is unique is a good outlook on life and great energy.
-Family is very important to me. I try to be a good big brother, and am the kind of guy that will go out of my way to help my little sister.
-I'm sarcastic so don't take offense to it, I have many other great qualities to make up for it.
-I'm the guy who is perfectly comfortable making the first move; whether it be a romantic kiss on the doorstep or making out in the rain.
-I am a pretty spontaneous guy. If I feel like flying to San Francisco this weekend I might.
Hmmm what else...
I grew up in a small town Saskatchewan but have always enjoyed traveling, love western US.
I might start out a little shy, but will warm up quickly. I can handle sarcasm and enjoy witty banter.
If you made it this far. What am I looking for?
-A women with similar interests, that likes to keep busy.
-Someone spontaneous with a great sense of humor. That sounds quite typical, but it's a start.
-Eventually you'll have to meet and hopefully impress my parents.
I'm very involved with my work and make plans around it. I own my own business which is time consuming but will be worth it down the road. Although I enjoy working I also like to travel, and plan to spend lots of time in the near future seeing new places. When I'm not working I enjoy slow pitch, rafting, and being outdoors. I enjoy cooking for other people, and bbq'ing on hot summer days.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you want to know more just ask.

Meet men and women from Canada. What I'm looking for is someone who's honest, loyal, and real. Here I'll start: I like video games, drinking, and gambling :). Seriously though... who doesn't? I also enjoy hanging out with friends, socializing and all the things everyone else enjoys. I'm in to a few outdoor activities like fishing and hunting but recreational camping makes no sense to me, and snowboarding isn't THAT great. I only bring those up because everyone in Alberta seems to be obsessed with one or the other and I don't get it. If you're in to that stuff: that's great! I may even come along a few times.. but I'm probably never going to be really into it.
I have a good career, I'm comfortable, and generally just live a laid back, normal life, trying to enjoy myself. The only issue I seem to be having is meeting new people. To be honest, I don't really like the idea of online dating but it's worth a try I guess. Send me a message... maybe we'll hit it off!

Date a guy from Canada. Looking for someone to share lifes adventures with. Someone outgoing, funny, in shape and loves the outdoors like me. Always up for new adventures and will try anything once. Looking for a commited relationship.

Meet someone special from Canada. Well lets see, I'm a born and raised BC boy. I've lived out here for just over 5 years. I have to admit that when I was about to move out here, I thought that this province was just full of cowboys and oil workers. However I've come to realize that amongst all the cowboys, there are some pretty amazing people out here. In the last couple years this city has really grown on me and I'm loving it!
I must say I am passionate about adventure. I think most people can relate to moments in their life where they truly did not know what laid ahead, and you almost get an uneasy but awesome feeling in your stomach. It makes you feel like a kid who just stumbled across the world's biggest jungle gym. Either wandering through the corridors of a small town on another continent, or trekking through forests and snaking rivers; I feel at peace when I explore and try something new.
I think if you asked my friends some qualities that stick out about me, they would say I'm a funny guy (I disagree although I can be a clutz at times hahaha), genuine, and loyal.
Who I am looking for???? I wouldn't say I'm looking for anyone to "complete" me or make me happy, as of right now I'm pretty content with my life. What I am looking for is someone who is not afraid to open their eyes and mind to the world, someone who likes to laugh, and overall is a good person. I like to surround myself with positive people, so if your a Debbie Downer...perhaps we shouldn't talk. If your a couch potato, we probably won't jive to well either. If your still reading this, congrats! If I've perked your interest, then perhaps you should send me message.

. I love anything that has to do with sports and I try to participate in as much sporting activities as I can. I also love spending time with my family as well, especially with my nieces and nephews!!
I recently finished up my classes for my accounting degree and currently am working towards my CMA designation. After that I would like to travel around for a few months and learn about different cultures around the world. I also dream of either being able to work internationally for a year or working within a sports franchise (NFL or NHL) and running their financial operations.
What makes me unique from others is that I always try to find the good out of every situation that may arise, I never try to focus on the bad as it can only make your life miserable.
As for music, I pretty much like whatever I think is good. So I may have anything from rap, to rock, to country on my iPhone.